Interview with Huang Xiaoming + Yang Mi: "National CP"’s Comical Self-Black Talk Show

    1905 movie network feature At many press conferences, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Mi were referred to as "national cp" by the propagandists, or some people would be a little dissatisfied to see such a big name, but regardless of whether the screen couple they formed was a good match or not, looking back at the years of hard work in the entertainment industry, the two still have a "fate".

    In Zhang Ji’s version of "The Condor Heroes", Huang Xiaoming misses a group of women for life, and Yang Mi plays the infatuated little Guo Xiang. At that time, Yang Mi was still in school, and in the play, he called Huang Xiaoming "big brother" one by one, and occasionally his parents would come to visit the class during filming. After so many years, Yang Mi and Huang Xiaoming had never worked together again, but both of them had experienced various "spiritual tempering" from "being hacked" to "self-hacking". Now Yang Mi could casually tease the "foot odor" meme, and Huang Xiaoming would always use "making too much trouble" to recall his "black history"…

    Until the two partnered again in "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" and became the male and female protagonists in the story of the "overbearing president" at the originator level, years of friendship and each other’s experience allowed them to seize the opportunity to black each other. During the interview, the two sat side by side. When Huang Xiaoming was reasoning for a long time, Yang Mi was next to him imitating his gestures. After he finished speaking, Yang Mi also said: If he were to chat with me, he would definitely be interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    Don’t look at Huang Xiaoming as a senior brother of the film school and the "big brother" in "The Heroes of the Condor", Yang Mi is several steps ahead of him on the road of life: at present, Yang Mi is guarding Liu Kaiwei and Xiao Nuomi’s family of three, and Huang Xiaoming is still showing his love with Angelababy all day long. Yang Mi said that "Uncle Liu" is a gentle and considerate man. Under such care, although she became a mother, her mentality will always be a girl; Huang Xiaoming himself is actually a little anxious: it is time to get married and have children. I don’t want my children to be young when I am in my seventies and eighties.

    But when it comes to the word "domineering president", as the most Jacques-Su-like actor in China, Huang Xiaoming immediately starts to play the role: "You have to impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not."

    These days, celebrities are too good at finding trouble for themselves.

interview transcript

    1905 Movie Network: Is this style still taking the luxurious route?

    Yang Mi: Not luxurious, our play is really not luxurious.

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes, we are more realistic and not so beautiful. A lawyer has the identity of a lawyer, and he must wear the clothes he should wear. Zhao Mosheng also has her identity, but I still think that from the point of view of the girls, the style is still good-looking.

    1905 Movie Network: Yang Mi has seen big scenes in it. Will he feel a lot simpler this time?

    Yang Mi: You mean Brother Xiaoming has never seen a big scene?

    Huang Xiaoming: I admit, I really haven’t seen any big scenes. It’s just a suit, it’s very boring, very boring…

    Yang Mi: Eh! English! English!

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! English is so good~

    1905 Movie Network: Has Yang Mi read the novel "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" before?

    Yang Mi: Actually, I read it a long time ago, because I like reading novels in my life. After I knew I was going to shoot it, I watched it again, and I also talked to Tang Yan about this play. In fact, there was no communication on how to act, but just how the character was and everyone’s understanding.

    1905 Movie Network: You always seem to be able to play the heroine of the novel that girls love to fantasize about.

    Yang Mi: (with a shy face) How can it always be…

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! You summed it up right! Her appearance is typical of many heroines in novels. Maybe it’s because of her personality. I think an actor who creates a character must first be particularly suitable for this role, and her acting skills also make this character particularly full. The reason for the success of many movies and TV dramas must also be the credit of the male and female protagonists. Yang Mi is such an actor.

    (At this moment, Yang Mi has been imitating Huang Xiaoming’s gestures when speaking.)

    1905 Movie Network: Do you like to make fun of some of Huang Xiaoming’s signature moves?

    Yang Mi: Because the two of us are too familiar, I wouldn’t dare to change others. Brother Xiaoming is a particularly tolerant person. I called him big brother when I was a child. He has never had a temper with me, no matter how much I run on him.

    1905 Movie Network: After that, Huang Xiaoming seems to have played this "handsome" role again.

    Huang Xiaoming: I’m not as serious as I used to be. As a person who came out of the film school, I always think that big movies are my destination. But at the beginning of making movies, I can’t get good roles. Later, when I want to break through, I will choose roles that are not handsome. Maybe I didn’t do well enough. Sorry for polluting everyone’s eyes. That was my mistake. Just like when you are a reporter, you may not be the best one, but you are still working hard. I am the same as everyone else. Maybe everyone doesn’t like the characters I play, but I worked hard and I broke through. Now "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" I really like this novel and the character He Yichen. As Yang Mi said, just do what you like. Life is not long, and it is very important to do what you like…

    Yang Mi: I wouldn’t give him such a long time to chat with me. Maybe he was interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    1905 Movie Network: What kind of character do you think He Yichen is when you read the novel?

    Yang Mi: "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is considered the originator of the overbearing president! When we were filming, we also read the script and read the novel, hoping to achieve the role in everyone’s mind.

    Is Huang Xiaoming a domineering CEO in his life? He seems to be quite obedient in front of Baby.

    Huang Xiaoming: (Seriously) It’s like this, that’s one side, and at the same time, I will also impose some arrangements and surprises on her, which is also a manifestation of domineering. You should impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not, men should be like this, girls like surprises.

    Yang Mi: (earnest) You understand women too well.

    1905 Movie Network: Does Yang Mi like this type?

    Yang Mi: I like the kind of boy like our Uncle Liu~ He is a gentle and considerate man who helps you think about and take good care of everything.

    1905 Movie Network: When you read a novel, don’t you fantasize about being beaten by the male protagonist or something?

    Yang Mi: I just fantasize about being beaten by the wall, so what have I become! (laughs)

    1905 Movie Network: Is it because after becoming a mother, the mentality is not so girly?

    Yang Mi: I have always been a girl! Because Uncle Liu has always protected me well, I have always been very young mentally.

    1905 Movie Network: Now people all over the country are anxious about Huang Xiaoming’s marriage. Will you urge him as a past person?

    Yang Mi: No, no, I’m talking about what he’s doing, what does it have to do with me…

    Huang Xiaoming: That’s right! Whether I get married or not has something to do with her!

    1905 Movie Network: Looking at Yang Midu’s family of three and happy, aren’t you in a hurry?

    Huang Xiaoming: It’s alright. After all, it’s time to get married and have children. After all, I’m old, and I don’t want to wait until I’m in my seventies and eighties when my children are still very young.

    1905 Movie Network: You two seem to be typical examples of mainland actors and actresses who have been on the road of self-destruction for a long time.

    Huang Xiaoming: It has started, and it will go further and further.

    Yang Mi: I can help hack him! I came up with a lot of jokes on the set.

    1905 Movie Network: Which of you is stronger at heart?

    Huang Xiaoming: It must be her! At a young age, I also want to learn from her.

    Yang Mi: If you say that again, I should kneel down and draw…

    1905 Movie Network: Compared with the TV series version, what are your chances of winning?

    Huang Xiaoming: We don’t PK, we just work hard. (Yang Mi repeats this sentence on the side) Zhong Hanliang’s performance is really good, and there are things worth learning from. This is a sensitive topic. To put it bluntly, the entertainment industry is a big cake. You can’t finish it alone. Let’s eat it together.

    Yang Mi: Actually, Tang Yan and I don’t care about each other’s performances in private. There are so many roles. If I don’t play, you can do it. If you don’t play, there are others. Just like when we held a press conference today, a reporter said that there were four movies promoting at the same time in one day. I think this kind of competition is healthy.

Moments are outdated! New black technology is popular among Beidou satellites

  On March 30, 2015, the first new-generation Beidou navigation satellite (the 17th satellite of Beidou Navigation) was successfully launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Base. Starting from this satellite, Beidou satellites will haveintersatellite linkIt allows various satellites to achieve barrier-free real-time communication in space, allowing for "space conversations" at any time.

  Beidou No. 2: "Ten years ago, I didn’t know you, you don’t belong to me.

  What is an inter-satellite link?Inter-satellite link refers to the communication link established between satellites, which can connect multiple satellites together to form a satellite network. Information sharing between satellites is achieved by means of electromagnetic waves, and wireless links with data transmission and ranging functions.The inter-satellite link of Beidou satellites is mainly used to realize information transmission and two-way measurement between Beidou satellites.

  At present, other navigation systems in the world are studying "inter-satellite link" technology, and each has its own characteristics, such as the UHF band low-speed wide-beam inter-satellite link of GPS in the United States, the S-band low-speed wide-beam inter-satellite link of the Russian GLONASS navigation system, and the Ka-band phased array medium-speed inter-satellite link in our country.

  Can’t live without you

  Through the inter-satellite link, the independent operation of the Beidou satellite global system will be realized, the accuracy of orbit determination and timing will be improved, the injection frequency will be improved, and the dependence on ground stations will be reduced, effectively reducing the operation and management costs of the system.The management and maintenance of navigation satellites requires the support and cooperation of the ground station, and the user’s positioning accuracy depends on the accurate determination of the satellite position and satellite time by the ground station, and is injected into the satellite to broadcast to the user.

  For example, the United States has military bases all over the world, and GPS ground stations can choose the best location around the world to achieve all-weather seamless coverage, high orbit determination accuracy, and high injection frequency. The main control station is located in Colorado, the mainland of the United States, with three injection stations: Ascension Island, Diego Garcia Island, Kwajalein Island, and five monitoring stations (Colorado, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia Island, Kwajalein Island, Hawaii Island).

  Compared with GPS and Galileo, China’s Beidou relies more on inter-satellite links.

  For security and other factors, our country has only carried out ground station construction in China, so when the satellite runs to the place where the ground station cannot observe, how does the Beidou navigation satellite work? The answer is that we have inter-satellite links. Each satellite can act as a "router", and it can manage overseas stars through domestic stars without building websites around the world.

  What if a war breaks out and the ground station is damaged or disturbed? It doesn’t matter, with the interstellar link, our Beidou satellites can be self-reliant and self-sufficient, enter the autonomous operation mode without ground support, and continue to provide high-precision navigation, positioning, and timing services.

  peacetimeThe high-precision inter-satellite/satellite-earth observation provided by the inter-satellite link can make up for the regional layout defects of the Beidou satellite navigation system monitoring station in our country, manage overseas satellites, improve the injection frequency, and improve the comprehensive service performance of the system.

  The results show that the orbit determination accuracy of one ground station anchoring satellite-ground link and inter-satellite link data is similar to that of six L-band monitoring stations on the ground except that the orbital plane along the track direction accuracy is slightly worse. Combined orbit determination of inter-satellite link data and L-band data can improve the L-band orbit determination accuracy.

  Special periodIn extreme cases such as ground station destruction or interference, the Beidou satellite system can operate autonomously with the help of inter-satellite links, providing high-precision navigation, positioning, and timing services within 60 days without ground support.

  The inter-satellite link provides services for the Beidou system while also providing part-time services: providing communication and measurement and control support for spacecraft, missiles and other aircraft.

  China’s intersatellite link system has entered the era of "smart phones", representing the technology trend of next-generation satellite navigation systems.

  The most outstanding features include:

  1, China’s inter-satellite link system, 70,000 km ranging accuracy to centimeter level, equivalent to seeing a hair strand dozens of kilometers away, the measurement accuracy is higher than GPS.

  2. China’s inter-satellite link system is like a "mobile phone call", which is used by several people in a house and does not interfere with each other, while the GPS inter-satellite link is a "mass broadcast", which interferes with each other. One line works, and the other lines must be silent.

  According to the Doppler effect, the electromagnetic wave frequency radiated by an object varies due to the relative motion of the wave source and the observer. The faster the object, the greater the error in the received frequency, and the Doppler shift will affect the communication performance.

  Therefore, eliminating or reducing the influence of Doppler frequency shift on wireless communication is a problem that must be solved for wireless communication in high-speed motion, and the inter-satellite link needs to complete the fast acquisition and tracking of high-dynamic signals in a very short time.

  The maximum speed of high-speed rail is 350KM/h, which is about 100m/s, while the relative speed of satellites can reach 5000m/s. The Beidou inter-satellite link can complete a series of complex signal processing such as capture and tracking at extremely high speed in 100ms, and complete the high-speed establishment and handover of the inter-satellite link.

  Take China as an example.The country farthest from China geographically is Argentina, the distance between Beijing, China and Buenos Aires, Argentina is about 22,000 kilometers, and the farthest distance between the two satellites in space is 70,000 kilometers.

  This 70,000 kilometers is the furthest distance in the world, but it is also the closest distance. Two satellites are 70,000 kilometers apart, but they always know where each other is, and the accuracy of satellite position prediction can reach the meter level. This accuracy is equivalent to accurately hitting a human-sized target in Argentina in China. This is not a hundred steps through the yang, it is a hundred steps through the needle.

  The energy of the satellite is provided by two small solar panels. As an energy-limited system, the lower the power of the transmission is required, and the distance between the two satellites is so far. After a long space walk, the electromagnetic wave signal has long been submerged in the vast noise.

  How low is the signal power that our interstellar link needs to receive? Simply put, it is equivalent to 1/1 billion of the signal power received by our mobile phones. Cunning enemies are everywhere, always playing tricks in the dark, and the interstellar link has its own countermeasures. It can still work freely when the strength of the jamming signal is 100,000 times that of the useful signal.

  The intersatellite link independently developed by our country can quickly capture satellite signals flashing 70,000 kilometers away from such a low signal power. Through the intersatellite link, China’s Beidou satellite can quickly complete a handshake when flying at high speed in the vast space. After the handshake, the information exchange between the two satellites is completed, and the distance between the satellites is accurately determined. The distance measurement accuracy of 70,000 kilometers can reach 1 cm.

  In addition to the Ka intersatellite link that has been successfully verified, we also have a laser intersatellite link, which will be an intersatellite highway. Please wait and see.

  At 7:18 on January 12, 2018, the 26th and 27th Beidou Navigation Satellites developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Microsatellite Innovation Research Institute were successfully launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. With the "assistance" of the inter-satellite link, the Beidou-3 project’s global networking and system services are one step closer!

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Market analysis of children’s programming industry in China in 2020: the number of users is nearly 240 million, and the number of companies in Guangdong Province is far ahead.

China children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

Children’s programming education is to cultivate students’ computational thinking and innovative problem-solving ability through programming game enlightenment, visual graphic programming and other courses. For example, in the process of making a small animation, students split tasks, drag modules and control the progress themselves, so as to understand the concepts of "parallelism", "event handling" and "goal realization". It is mainly aimed at teenagers aged 3-18.

In 2014-2019, there were frequent policies related to children’s programming education in China, and the policy support continued to increase. At present, the teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China are mainly divided into three categories. At present, children’s programming education enterprises take the B-end as the main style, supplemented by the C-end. By the end of February, 2020, there were 7,110 children’s programming companies in China, with Guangdong Children’s Programming Company leading the country, and the top 10 children’s programming education institutions were headquartered in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people. China’s children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

1. The development of children’s programming education in China has attracted much attention.

In 2014-2019, China’s children’s programming policies were released one after another. The country has realized the importance of education, and issued many related policies to encourage and support the continuous development of programming education and information education, and promote the popularization and deepening process of programming education at the national basic education level. The policy covers key provinces and cities such as Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangsu, Tianjin and Chongqing.

Summary of Important Policies of Children's Programming Industry in China from 2014 to 2019

2. Distribution of teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China.

The teaching scenes of children’s programming course are divided into three categories: non-public educational institutions, public educational institutions and families. By investigating the enterprises in the industry and comparing the landing degree in three scenarios, it is concluded that the current children’s programming education enterprises mainly adopt B-end, supplemented by C-end.

Distribution of Teaching Scenes of Children Programming Education in China

3. The headquarters of the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are concentrated in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou.

The children’s programming education industry in China has risen rapidly in recent years. With the blessing of multiple factors such as policy support and market maturity, children’s programming institutions have ushered in their own enthusiasm in the cold winter of capital. According to the data of Internet Weekly, the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are ranked as follows:

TOP10 Statistics of Children's Programming Education Institutions in China

4. The number of children’s programming companies in Guangdong Province leads the whole country.

China’s children’s programming is still small in scale and relatively scattered in institutions, mainly distributed in first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen, and offline institutions are also mainly concentrated in first-and second-tier cities.

By the end of February, 2020, there were 438 children’s programming companies in China. In 2019, there were 7110 children’s programming companies in China. By the end of February 2020, domestic children’s programming companies were mainly located in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang, with 11,770, 3,529, 2,265 and 2,044 children’s programming companies respectively.

Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.

5. The overall corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is increasing year by year, and it is about 237 million in 2019.

The minimum age of children’s programming students in China is about 3 years old. At this stage, children’s cognitive and understanding abilities have reached a certain level and can begin to participate in such training. The oldest participants are 18-19 years old, that is, senior three students, and the population covered by the training generally coincides with the student group corresponding to K12 education. Therefore, Forward-looking Industry Research Institute adds up the number of students in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in the national statistical bulletin on the development of education published by the Ministry of Education every year, and estimates the population aged 3-18 in China. From 2014 to 2018, the population aged 3-18 in China showed a slow growth trend. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China was about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people.

Statistics and forecast of population aged 3-18 in China from 2014 to 2019

For the above data and analysis, please refer to Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, which provides solutions for industry, industry planning, industry declaration, and industry.

M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 was released, which laid the technical foundation for Starway Brand 2.0 era.

On August 27th, Chery’s high-end brand Starway, with the theme of "Exploring the Future", presented the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 and AtlantiX, the first pioneer mass production concept car of this architecture, at Chengdu Auto Show.


Huang Zhaogen, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, and Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. unveiled AtlantiX.


Fan Xing, deputy general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, announced M38T Chinese name.

AtlantiX, the mass production concept car of the new flagship SUV Starway M38T in the 2.0 era. While relying on the new M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 to give M38T powerful products, Starway officially announced its Chinese name-"Eta Ursae Majoris" at this auto show.


Hong Gaoming, Assistant General Manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. introduced the technological highlights of M3X Mars Architecture 2.0.

Hong Gaoming, assistant general manager of Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. said at the press conference: "M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 integrates Chery’s global superior strategic resources, and is developed and manufactured according to luxury car standards. It is an advanced architecture representing the flagship value and forward-looking technology of Starway products, and it is also a technical carrier that drives Starway to the era of intelligence and hybrid electricity, laying a solid technical cornerstone for the global upward development of Starway brand 2.0 era."

??M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 is released, which will help the future products to be advanced in an all-round way.


M3X, M means Mars, representing the spirit of continuous exploration of Starway brand, 3 representing the three core technical skills of Starway flexible hardware platform, intelligent network architecture and powertrain, and X representing infinite possibilities. This platform will generate more models to meet the needs of different customers. Since the release of M3X Mars architecture at the Beijing Auto Show in 2020, it has continuously empowered Starway products to release high-quality, high-quality and high-value kinetic energy.


The newly released M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, on the basis of continuing the "three highs" advantages, has achieved six scientific and technological improvements in the four dimensions of safety, comfort, power and intelligence, which will help Xingtu to build better products and play a vital role in improving the future product layout. The architecture can realize the product matrix covering the A+ and B-class SUV/ car /MPV markets, covering the power forms such as PHEV/ICE/REEV, etc.

At this stage, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will produce 2.0TGDI+8AT, 2.0TGDI+7DCT and PHEV power systems, in which the maximum torque of 2.0TGDI is 400 N m, the thermal efficiency is more than 43%, the torque of 8AT is more than 400 N m, the power of 3DHT is more than 165kW, and the wheel torque is more than 4000 N·m, which is free according to the needs of the vehicle type. It also provides seven modes of all-terrain four-wheel drive system to achieve leading handling performance.


The first body-in-white of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris Qingdao Super Factory.

Based on M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, the new cage-type energy-absorbing body technology will be adopted, which can meet the global N-CAP five-star standard in collision safety. Up to 85% of the whole vehicle is covered with high-strength steel, and 1,500Mpa ultra-high-strength thermoformed steel is used in key parts such as B-pillar, and the unique design patent of "double energy-absorbing box and double force-transmitting" path can better absorb and distribute the impact and energy generated by collision, meeting the stringent 25% small offset collision test standard.

Thanks to the independent development capability of the complete electrical architecture, M3X Mars Architecture 2.0 will bring a refreshing experience to smart cars. EEA4.0 advanced electronic and electrical architecture supported by Gigabit Ethernet, OTA and Autosar. It can easily meet the continuous upgrading needs of new energy, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit. In addition to the typical NOP intelligent navigation driving assistance, ALC intelligent automatic lane change, AVP autonomous parking service and other high-heat functions, it also includes 21 ADAS basic functions and 11 high-order intelligent driving assistance functions.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

In terms of comfort, the M3X Mars architecture 2.0 will enjoy like a "magnetic levitation" through chassis CDC adaptive suspension, double hydraulic suspension and Queen’s car system. With the support of Qualcomm 8155 chip, the iterative Lion Lion Zhiyun system will bring a "four haves" intelligent cockpit with value, wisdom, emotion and temperature, and can always maintain the leading technology and comfortable experience through the continuous upgrade of OTA.

??Bring "Mars" to "Eta Ursae Majoris" and truly realize products empowered by technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris real car map


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris makes full use of smooth arc curves and full and tense curved surfaces to create a product perception of "luxury, technology, vitality and fashion". Among them, the design of "light language" will also become an important feature of the future starway family, expanding the traditional "point" and "source" to the streamer "beam" and the colorful "matrix". The X-type starship-type solar energy matrix daytime running light echoes with the through-type rear taillight belt of the Milky Way, giving drivers and passengers a sense of future and luxury while fully demonstrating the trendy, intelligent and energetic brought by science and technology.


Eta Ursae Majoris mass production concept car AtlantiX

Xinyang Volvo XC90 is on sale! The latest offer is 467,000 yuan, which is very beneficial today.

According to the news of car home Xinyang preferential promotion channel, preferential promotion activities are being carried out in Xinyang area. The minimum starting price of this luxury SUV is 467,000 yuan, and the maximum discount amount reaches 179,900 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Volvo XC90 is a luxury SUV, and its design is full of strength and modernity. The front face adopts Volvo family-style design language, and the air intake grille adopts a unique straight waterfall design, which shows the unique charm of the brand. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is simple and atmospheric, which makes people recognize that this is Volvo’s work at a glance. At the same time, XC90 is also equipped with a series of high-end configurations, such as LED headlights and unique taillight design, which makes it more conspicuous when driving at night. In addition, the XC90 also adopts a unique body color and wheel hub design, which makes it more eye-catching in appearance. In a word, the design of Volvo XC90 is full of Nordic style, which is both simple and luxurious and impressive.

Volvo XC90 is a luxury SUV, with a length, width and height of 4953*1958*1778mm and a wheelbase of 2984mm, with smooth body lines and stable overall shape. The specifications of the front and rear wheels are both 275/45 R20, and the tire width is larger, which can provide better grip and stability. The lines on the side of the car are simple and smooth, showing the unique design style of luxury brands.

The interior design of Volvo XC90 is full of Nordic style, simple and generous, with attention to detail and comfort. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that drivers can easily find the driving posture that suits them. The 9-inch central control screen has a large size, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front seat is made of leather, which supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support, providing a comfortable riding experience. The co-pilot seat also supports a variety of adjustment methods, including front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats are also equipped with heating function, so that drivers can enjoy a comfortable driving experience in cold weather. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion to provide more storage space. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Generally speaking, the interior design of Volvo XC90 is very user-friendly, providing many comfortable and convenient configurations, so that drivers and passengers can feel more comfortable driving experience during the journey.

Volvo XC90 is equipped with a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. The car is equipped with an 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and meet the needs of daily driving. This engine performs well when accelerating, and also has good fuel economy performance, which brings more comfortable driving experience to drivers.

The design of Volvo XC90 has always been one of its highly praised highlights, which has also been confirmed in the evaluation. He/she said that he/she was "absolutely satisfied" with the appearance of XC90, especially the iconic Raytheon Hammer, low-key blue and overall streamlined design, which was very fashionable. In fact, the design of XC90 has always been full of Nordic style and simple aesthetic feeling, and at the same time, it incorporates modern design elements, making people recognize its unique style at a glance. No matter from the details to the whole, the Volvo XC90 shows the exquisite design and care, which brings incomparable driving pleasure and experience to the owners. Therefore, if you are also interested in a luxury SUV with both fashion and personality, Volvo XC90 is undoubtedly a good choice.

BYD Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition went on sale at the peak, with a price of 189,800 ~ 289,800 yuan.

On May 18th, 2023, BYD’s brand-new Han DM series peaked. Among them, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three innovations: color, chassis and experience, and a 200km pure battery life version is launched, which will completely subvert the mainstream B sedan market! At the same time, BYD’s first mass-produced and modified super hybrid coupe, the Chinese DM-p Ares version, is amazing. With its triathlon of concept, temperament and strength, it meets the individual needs of users in multiple dimensions!

This time, among the two models of Han DM series with comprehensive and advanced product strength, the price range of Han DM-i Champion Edition is 189,800 yuan ~ 249,800 yuan, and the price of Han DM-p Ares Edition is 289,800 yuan. In addition, the new Han DM series also provides users with five major online services of Zhilian, five exclusive VIP services and two worry-free car purchase policies.

Subverting the mainstream B sedan market, Han DM-i Champion Edition is superior in strength.
Under the new energy east wind, the brand of China has risen strongly. With the strength of hard-core products, Han DM-i has rapidly increased its quantity, fully occupied more than 200,000 mid-to-high-end car markets, and gradually grasped the market dominance. Nowadays, the brand-new Han DM-i Champion Edition adheres to the market strategy of "the same price for oil and electricity", takes advantage of the situation, advances strategically within 200,000 yuan, and carries out subversion to the end!

Han DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology, which has six advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth, green and luxurious". Its fuel consumption is only 4.2L/100km in the state of power loss, and it can be used for oil and electricity, and its comprehensive cruising range can reach 1260km. At the same time, it has the policy advantages of library-level quietness, infinite driving experience close to pure electricity, and green brand without purchase tax. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition has created a luxurious and comfortable space, super intelligence, and luxury is not limited, leading more than one generation!
Continuing the foundation of success, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three great rejuvenation! In terms of color, it launched a brand-new glacier blue car color, using BASF’s two core material technologies, which made the color appear metallic fluidity, and the visual effect was light and pure, which vividly set off the beauty of overseas fashion design. On the chassis, FSD variable damping suspension system and aluminum alloy multi-link are standard. The perfect combination of them enables it to flexibly adapt to complex and diverse road conditions, bring comfortable riding experience and enhance the driving pleasure of the vehicle. Most notably, some models of Han DM-i Champion Edition can be equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (the hardware has been installed, and OTA will be upgraded this year). Yunqi -C is perfectly compatible with comfort and handling, bringing subversive improvement to the driving experience.

In terms of configuration, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with NFC car keys, which supports Android and Apple devices, greatly improving the convenience of car use. At the same time, BSD blind spot monitoring and W-HUD head-up display are two major configurations: "getting on the bus", active safety is strengthened, and technology is used to escort travel. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with ten core high-end configurations, which are high at the beginning and lead from the inside out, setting a new benchmark for the value of B-class cars!

In order to further meet the higher-level travel needs of elite groups in big cities, Han DM-i Champion Edition has newly launched a 200km pure electric endurance version to create a "5+2+N" full-scene car experience. 5-day daily commute, 200km long pure battery life to easily cope with the intensity of work; Two days holiday travel, the comprehensive endurance of 1260km greatly improves the length of travel; After reaching the destination, the external discharge of up to 6kW can bring n possibilities and expand the width of life indefinitely. The 200km version of the champion version of Han DM-i has achieved a ceiling of 250,000, and achieved the experience subversion of the generation difference with the flagship quality.

The first mass-produced modified super hybrid coupe, Han DM-p Ares Edition highlights the flagship nature.
At the same time, in order to further respond to the market demand and meet the needs of personalized users, Han DM series has newly launched Han DM-p Ares Edition! The new car pays tribute to Huo Qubing, the God of War, and draws inspiration from the famous sentence of Xin Qiji’s famous work "Never Meet Le Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Nostalgia", "Think of that year, Jin Ge Tiema swallowed Wan Li like a tiger", in the name of God of War, conveying China’s self-confidence and China’s strength.

In terms of color, the armor is inspired by the mysterious black color matching, and BASF third-generation black paint is used. The deep black is delicate and shimmering, which has a strong visual impact! Appearance, Han DM-p Ares Edition adopts a series of blackened appearance kits, including blackened sports wheels, matte black logo, black metal triangular windows and frames, etc., which makes the appearance of the whole vehicle more performance-oriented and highlights the hard-core strength.
The interior of the DM-p Ares Edition of Han Dynasty has added a series of sports elements and high-grade materials, such as extremely black high-grade suede-coated seats, door panels, passenger side panels, central control armrest boxes, etc., supplemented by black carbon fiber materials, and equipped with integrated sports seats and golden yellow seat belts. The interior of the whole vehicle has been upgraded in sports sense, which complements the individual appearance and the inspired color matching of armor.

In addition to the design highlights, the new car is equipped with DM-p hybrid technology, which has completely surpassed the mechanical four-wheel drive in four dimensions: power, safety, difficulty relief and energy consumption. Under the blessing of DM-p king’s hybrid, the Chinese DM-p Ares version has four characteristics: fast running, good braking, steady walking and far walking. Its peak horsepower is 580Ps, the maximum torque is as high as 822N·m, and the fastest acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 3.7s! At the same time, the golden yellow high-performance four-piston fixed pliers can escort the ultimate performance output. In addition, in terms of energy efficiency, it can be powered by oil. Under NEDC working conditions, the battery life is 200km, the fuel consumption is only 5.2L, and the comprehensive battery life is 1120km.

At the same time, BYD’s latest safety technology, Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (hardware has been installed and upgraded by OTA this year), will also be installed on the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition, which has the technical advantages of extreme experience and extreme safety, and can make the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition realize the perfect combination of safety and handling, so as to achieve a "luxurious and leapfrog new experience".
As a super hybrid coupe modified by mass production, the Han DM-p Ares Edition is a perfect interpretation of China’s luxury performance coupe with the combination of three ip’s: DM-p King Hybrid, Yunqi -C and Ares Design!

For a long time, the auto market has always had the saying that "the person who wins the B sedan wins the world", and the B sedan market is regarded as the best stage for all auto companies to show their brand strength and product strength. Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition form a strong Chinese ip, which combines the two swords to break the monopoly of joint venture brands. The sword refers to the mainstream B-class sedan market champion! (Zou Zhengmao)

Lei Jun: The ordinary version of Xiaomi SU7 has been officially delivered.

  [car home Information] On April 18th, Lei Jun revealed in the live broadcast room that after the founding version, the standard version and Max version of Xiaomi SU7 (Lei Jun called the official version) have been delivered in Beijing and Shenzhen today. According to the previous information of Xiaomi SU7 listing conference, the standard version and Max version will be delivered first at the end of April, which has been delivered 12 days in advance, while the Pro version will be delivered at the end of May. Lei Jun said that the order of Xiaomi SU7 is 3-5 times higher than previously expected, and it is already in full production to meet the delivery. Lei Jun also said that by the end of this year, 40 cities are expected to have Xiaomi car stores.

Home of the car

  Previously, on April 3, the first batch of Xiaomi SU7 founding edition was officially delivered at Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun personally opened the door for the first batch of car owners and delivered it.

Home of the car

  When the user locks the configuration, the factory starts to schedule production according to the set configuration. Consumers can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from Xiaomi Auto App. At the same time, before locking the configuration, you can also view the estimated delivery cycle of each configuration combination through the page. After the configuration is locked, the page can also view the delivery time.

  At present, the first batch of Xiaomi automobile stores covers 29 cities across the country, with a total of 59 stores, which is also the first batch of cities to be opened for delivery, as follows:

Home of the car

  At the same time, according to the needs of users, Xiaomi selected the following 10 cities to supplement the construction of sales and service stores, including Jinan in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Nantong in Jiangsu, Jinhua in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Changchun in Jilin, Guiyang in Guizhou, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian and Xiantao in Hubei. The above 10 cities will open one after another this year. Subsequent Xiaomi Auto will continue to add stores in other cities in time.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

Xiaomi Auto Xiaomi SU7 2024 800km four-wheel drive with long battery life and high-order intelligent driving Max version.

  Xiaomi SU7 is aimed at medium and large cars, with a price of 21.59-29.99 million yuan. The new car is equipped with 8295 chips, which realizes five-screen interconnection including HUD and rear screen, and is equipped with 澎湃 OS system, and can be ecologically interconnected with Xiaomi. The new car is built on the basis of 800V architecture, which can recharge 510km in 15 minutes, with an acceleration time of 2.78 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h, a top speed of 210km/h and a cruising range of 810km for CLTC. Equipped with a laser radar, two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chips, with a computing power of 508TOPS, the whole system supports high-speed NOA, and the city NOA was subsequently opened. (Text/car home Qin Chao)

How about Mercedes E300?

Mercedes-Benz E300 is a hybrid vehicle, which is excellent in energy saving and equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine, making it easy to drive. The driving experience of this car has always been the characteristic of Mercedes-Benz, which can bring excellent comfort experience whether driving or riding.

Mercedes-Benz E300L is a car specially built for China market, and its extended wheelbase fully meets the needs of domestic users. The domestic version of this car will provide a more competitive price, which is more advantageous than the imported version.

The wheelbase of the new generation Mercedes-Benz E-Class will be lengthened by 14cm, from 2874mm to 3014 mm.. In terms of power, although it has not yet been determined whether the E300 CGI engine will be installed, it is likely to be a 1.8L CGI turbocharged engine, and low-displacement vehicles such as E200 and E260 will be introduced in the future.

The configuration of Mercedes-Benz E300 is also very luxurious, including the interior atmosphere lights on Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which can provide better lighting effect. In addition, the headlights will automatically adjust the brightness according to the external environment, which is better than the lighting effect of Audi A6.

In terms of appearance, Mercedes-Benz E300L has a length of 5065mm and a mass of 1.8 tons. The LED headlights on the front of the car are particularly obvious. The chrome-plated decorative strip on the front fence is one of the signs to distinguish the models. The rear fender has an aluminum alloy decorative strip extending backwards, which represents the extended design of this car.

BYD Han has a battery life of 605 kilometers and only ran 230 kilometers. Is the battery seriously attenuated? You think wrong!

Recently, with the sharp drop in the national temperature, the old problem that the battery life of electric vehicles has been greatly reduced has begun to appear again, and it has been denounced by the people all over the country on the Internet, involving almost all electric vehicle brands, especially Wuling, MODEL3 and Han, which are in the front row of sales.

Among the numerous crusades, there is a Shanxi netizen whose net name is "Handsome Brother". He broke the news that he bought the Han EV with a long battery life of one and a half months, and only ran for 230 kilometers from full charge to 5% left, which was nearly two-thirds less than the battery life of 605 kilometers.

Judging from the screenshot of the post, the post has a lot of traffic, with 352 likes and 1044 comments. Many people think that the attenuation of power battery actually reaches 62%. The author also thinks this data is incredible. After reading many articles, many people have got the concept wrong.

The author has been focusing on new energy vehicles for many years, and is very aware of the three killers that affect the battery life: battery attenuation, low-temperature activity of batteries, and high power consumption of heating and air conditioning. The battery life of a series of well-known electric vehicles that have been exposed recently is actually caused by the joint action of the three.

First, battery attenuation:

At present, the technology of power battery is very mature, and the attenuation of battery in normal use is actually very low. As long as it is used according to the instructions, the natural attenuation of battery is within the controllable range, and it can almost be used for vehicle scrapping.

Second, the low-temperature activity of the battery is reduced:

The research data show that at 0℃, the capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery is only 88% of that at 25℃, which is 12% lower. The reason is that power batteries are basically lithium-ion batteries, and the activity of lithium-ion will decrease at low temperature, and the lower the temperature, the lower the activity.

Third, heating and air conditioning power consumption:

Electric vehicles run on power batteries. Apart from the controllable attenuation and activity reduction, the power consumption of heating and air conditioning can be said to be the biggest culprit in reducing the battery life of electric vehicles. Taking the actual measurement by netizens as an example, Han EV heating and air conditioning is used at about 0 degrees, about 4KW/ hour for the first hour and about 2KW/ hour for continuous use.

Understand the above concepts, and then look at the use of Han EV of Shanxi car owner "handsome brother", which is easy to understand.

Some media reported that the owner used heating and air conditioning when driving. This is understandable. In November, the average daily temperature in Shanxi is about 5 degrees. If you don’t turn on the air conditioner, your hands will be stiff.

There is another detail in the post of "Handsome Brother": "I took the car with full electricity at the end of October, and now I have rushed twice, driving a total of 744 kilometers. After reading the posting time, on November 27, everyone should understand.

According to the owner, he charged the battery three times in a month or so, with a total journey of 744 kilometers and an average battery life of 248 kilometers, which is really consistent with the last time he said that he only ran 230 kilometers.

However, I noticed another data: "handsome brother" traveled 744 kilometers a month, with an average of 24.8 kilometers a day. This data is not high, which represents the daily driving of the vast majority of car owners and is basically equivalent to the average daily driving of passenger car owners in China.

So low, judging that "handsome brother" should be an office worker, he goes to and from work every day, four times a day, driving for several kilometers at a time, and 80% is driving in the urban area.

According to the normal driving speed in urban areas, the average speed will generally not exceed 20km/h, that is to say, "Handsome Brother" ran 744km after three times of charging, and the driving time may be as high as 37 hours or more. According to the heating data of Han air conditioner provided by netizens, in the first hour, it consumes about 4KW per hour, and if it keeps driving, it consumes about 2KW/ per hour later.

"Handsome brother" always travels only 24.8 kilometers every day, and the air conditioner will not be turned on for a long time every time, that is, it is in the most power-consuming interval, 4KW/ hour.

The battery life of electric vehicles is calculated by the time, but the air conditioner is not calculated by the time. Han runs 230 kilometers with a full charge of 76KW, and it takes about 9 hours to run in the short distance in urban areas. Only the air conditioner consumes electricity, it will use up 36KW, and then subtract 5% of the battery balance of about 4KW, leaving 36KW for driving. According to the proportional calculation, the normal battery life should be about 286 km.

Because the heating and air conditioning use a lot of electricity, the battery life for real driving is only about 286 kilometers, and then the battery activity is reduced by 12% at a low temperature of about 0 degrees, which is about 250 kilometers, which is basically consistent with the actual measurement of "handsome brother".

At this point, the truth is clear. Whether it is Han EV, MODEL3 or Wuling, the reason why the measured battery life is more than half is not the battery attenuation or the battery activity reduction, but the hot air conditioner is turned on.

Write at the end:

The author has been paying attention to new energy vehicles for many years, and sincerely advises consumers who are going to buy cars. If you don’t have fixed parking spaces and charging piles, it is really not recommended to buy electric vehicles, even for the sake of licenses! If you insist on it, first of all, you will be unhappy and full of complaints. Secondly, it is also a negative harm to the development of new energy vehicles, harming others and yourself.

For car owners with fixed parking spaces and charging piles, it is not a big problem that the battery life is greatly reduced by turning on the air conditioner in winter. After all, the current electric car has a battery life of 500 to 600 kilometers. Even if the air conditioner is turned on all the time, the battery life is enough for most people.

In fact, if you have a fixed parking space and a charging pile, park your car in the garage every night, hang up the charging pile and go home to sleep. This is the correct way to turn on the electric car. If you are used to it, it is really more convenient than refueling. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth to the gas station. Under the current situation of urban traffic jams.

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