Interview with Huang Xiaoming + Yang Mi: "National CP"’s Comical Self-Black Talk Show

    1905 movie network feature At many press conferences, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Mi were referred to as "national cp" by the propagandists, or some people would be a little dissatisfied to see such a big name, but regardless of whether the screen couple they formed was a good match or not, looking back at the years of hard work in the entertainment industry, the two still have a "fate".

    In Zhang Ji’s version of "The Condor Heroes", Huang Xiaoming misses a group of women for life, and Yang Mi plays the infatuated little Guo Xiang. At that time, Yang Mi was still in school, and in the play, he called Huang Xiaoming "big brother" one by one, and occasionally his parents would come to visit the class during filming. After so many years, Yang Mi and Huang Xiaoming had never worked together again, but both of them had experienced various "spiritual tempering" from "being hacked" to "self-hacking". Now Yang Mi could casually tease the "foot odor" meme, and Huang Xiaoming would always use "making too much trouble" to recall his "black history"…

    Until the two partnered again in "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" and became the male and female protagonists in the story of the "overbearing president" at the originator level, years of friendship and each other’s experience allowed them to seize the opportunity to black each other. During the interview, the two sat side by side. When Huang Xiaoming was reasoning for a long time, Yang Mi was next to him imitating his gestures. After he finished speaking, Yang Mi also said: If he were to chat with me, he would definitely be interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    Don’t look at Huang Xiaoming as a senior brother of the film school and the "big brother" in "The Heroes of the Condor", Yang Mi is several steps ahead of him on the road of life: at present, Yang Mi is guarding Liu Kaiwei and Xiao Nuomi’s family of three, and Huang Xiaoming is still showing his love with Angelababy all day long. Yang Mi said that "Uncle Liu" is a gentle and considerate man. Under such care, although she became a mother, her mentality will always be a girl; Huang Xiaoming himself is actually a little anxious: it is time to get married and have children. I don’t want my children to be young when I am in my seventies and eighties.

    But when it comes to the word "domineering president", as the most Jacques-Su-like actor in China, Huang Xiaoming immediately starts to play the role: "You have to impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not."

    These days, celebrities are too good at finding trouble for themselves.

interview transcript

    1905 Movie Network: Is this style still taking the luxurious route?

    Yang Mi: Not luxurious, our play is really not luxurious.

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes, we are more realistic and not so beautiful. A lawyer has the identity of a lawyer, and he must wear the clothes he should wear. Zhao Mosheng also has her identity, but I still think that from the point of view of the girls, the style is still good-looking.

    1905 Movie Network: Yang Mi has seen big scenes in it. Will he feel a lot simpler this time?

    Yang Mi: You mean Brother Xiaoming has never seen a big scene?

    Huang Xiaoming: I admit, I really haven’t seen any big scenes. It’s just a suit, it’s very boring, very boring…

    Yang Mi: Eh! English! English!

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! English is so good~

    1905 Movie Network: Has Yang Mi read the novel "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" before?

    Yang Mi: Actually, I read it a long time ago, because I like reading novels in my life. After I knew I was going to shoot it, I watched it again, and I also talked to Tang Yan about this play. In fact, there was no communication on how to act, but just how the character was and everyone’s understanding.

    1905 Movie Network: You always seem to be able to play the heroine of the novel that girls love to fantasize about.

    Yang Mi: (with a shy face) How can it always be…

    Huang Xiaoming: Yes! You summed it up right! Her appearance is typical of many heroines in novels. Maybe it’s because of her personality. I think an actor who creates a character must first be particularly suitable for this role, and her acting skills also make this character particularly full. The reason for the success of many movies and TV dramas must also be the credit of the male and female protagonists. Yang Mi is such an actor.

    (At this moment, Yang Mi has been imitating Huang Xiaoming’s gestures when speaking.)

    1905 Movie Network: Do you like to make fun of some of Huang Xiaoming’s signature moves?

    Yang Mi: Because the two of us are too familiar, I wouldn’t dare to change others. Brother Xiaoming is a particularly tolerant person. I called him big brother when I was a child. He has never had a temper with me, no matter how much I run on him.

    1905 Movie Network: After that, Huang Xiaoming seems to have played this "handsome" role again.

    Huang Xiaoming: I’m not as serious as I used to be. As a person who came out of the film school, I always think that big movies are my destination. But at the beginning of making movies, I can’t get good roles. Later, when I want to break through, I will choose roles that are not handsome. Maybe I didn’t do well enough. Sorry for polluting everyone’s eyes. That was my mistake. Just like when you are a reporter, you may not be the best one, but you are still working hard. I am the same as everyone else. Maybe everyone doesn’t like the characters I play, but I worked hard and I broke through. Now "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" I really like this novel and the character He Yichen. As Yang Mi said, just do what you like. Life is not long, and it is very important to do what you like…

    Yang Mi: I wouldn’t give him such a long time to chat with me. Maybe he was interrupted by me in less than a minute.

    1905 Movie Network: What kind of character do you think He Yichen is when you read the novel?

    Yang Mi: "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is considered the originator of the overbearing president! When we were filming, we also read the script and read the novel, hoping to achieve the role in everyone’s mind.

    Is Huang Xiaoming a domineering CEO in his life? He seems to be quite obedient in front of Baby.

    Huang Xiaoming: (Seriously) It’s like this, that’s one side, and at the same time, I will also impose some arrangements and surprises on her, which is also a manifestation of domineering. You should impose your kindness on her, whether she accepts it or not, men should be like this, girls like surprises.

    Yang Mi: (earnest) You understand women too well.

    1905 Movie Network: Does Yang Mi like this type?

    Yang Mi: I like the kind of boy like our Uncle Liu~ He is a gentle and considerate man who helps you think about and take good care of everything.

    1905 Movie Network: When you read a novel, don’t you fantasize about being beaten by the male protagonist or something?

    Yang Mi: I just fantasize about being beaten by the wall, so what have I become! (laughs)

    1905 Movie Network: Is it because after becoming a mother, the mentality is not so girly?

    Yang Mi: I have always been a girl! Because Uncle Liu has always protected me well, I have always been very young mentally.

    1905 Movie Network: Now people all over the country are anxious about Huang Xiaoming’s marriage. Will you urge him as a past person?

    Yang Mi: No, no, I’m talking about what he’s doing, what does it have to do with me…

    Huang Xiaoming: That’s right! Whether I get married or not has something to do with her!

    1905 Movie Network: Looking at Yang Midu’s family of three and happy, aren’t you in a hurry?

    Huang Xiaoming: It’s alright. After all, it’s time to get married and have children. After all, I’m old, and I don’t want to wait until I’m in my seventies and eighties when my children are still very young.

    1905 Movie Network: You two seem to be typical examples of mainland actors and actresses who have been on the road of self-destruction for a long time.

    Huang Xiaoming: It has started, and it will go further and further.

    Yang Mi: I can help hack him! I came up with a lot of jokes on the set.

    1905 Movie Network: Which of you is stronger at heart?

    Huang Xiaoming: It must be her! At a young age, I also want to learn from her.

    Yang Mi: If you say that again, I should kneel down and draw…

    1905 Movie Network: Compared with the TV series version, what are your chances of winning?

    Huang Xiaoming: We don’t PK, we just work hard. (Yang Mi repeats this sentence on the side) Zhong Hanliang’s performance is really good, and there are things worth learning from. This is a sensitive topic. To put it bluntly, the entertainment industry is a big cake. You can’t finish it alone. Let’s eat it together.

    Yang Mi: Actually, Tang Yan and I don’t care about each other’s performances in private. There are so many roles. If I don’t play, you can do it. If you don’t play, there are others. Just like when we held a press conference today, a reporter said that there were four movies promoting at the same time in one day. I think this kind of competition is healthy.

These advertisements are forbidden to be published! The new Internet advertising regulations will be implemented in May.

  Beijing, March 25 (Xinhua) Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, which will be implemented on May 1.

  The Measures further clarify the responsibilities of advertisers, Internet advertising operators and publishers, and Internet information service providers; Actively respond to social concerns, and regulate behaviors such as pop-up advertisements, open-screen advertisements, and using smart devices to publish advertisements; Refined the advertising supervision rules in key areas such as "soft-text advertising", Internet advertising with links, bidding ranking advertising, algorithm recommendation advertising, live Internet advertising, and disguised advertising subject to censorship; The new regulations on the jurisdiction of advertising spokespersons provide an important institutional guarantee for strengthening the supervision and law enforcement of Internet advertising, and also give new momentum to the standardized and orderly development of Internet advertising.

  Webpage screenshot

  Specifically, the Measures make the following provisions:

  These advertisements are prohibited from being published.

  — — No unit or individual may use the Internet to design, produce, act as an agent or publish advertisements for products or services whose production and sale are prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, or for goods or services whose advertising is prohibited.

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  When introducing health and health preserving knowledge, the address, contact information, shopping links and other contents of commodity operators or service providers related to medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, health food and formula food for special medical purposes shall not appear on the same page or at the same time.

  — — Advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, health foods, formula foods for special medical purposes, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty, and online game advertisements that are not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors shall not be published on websites, webpages, internet applications, WeChat official account and other Internet media aimed at minors.

  These advertisements are subject to censorship.

  Advertisements that should be examined according to laws and administrative regulations such as advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, pesticides, veterinary drugs, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes shall be examined by the advertisement examination organ before publication; Without review, it shall not be published.

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  Advertisers shall clearly indicate "advertising"

  Internet advertisements should be identifiable and enable consumers to identify them as advertisements.

  For the goods or services ranked by bidding, the advertisement publisher should clearly mark "advertisement", which is obviously different from the natural search results.

  Except in cases where laws and administrative regulations prohibit the publication or disguised publication of advertisements, if a commodity or service is promoted through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumption evaluation and other forms, and a shopping link is attached, the advertisement publisher shall clearly indicate "advertisement".

  Who is responsible for the authenticity of the advertising content?

  Advertisers should be responsible for the authenticity of Internet advertising content.

  When an advertiser publishes an Internet advertisement, the subject qualification, administrative license, citation content, etc. shall meet the requirements of laws and regulations, and the relevant certification documents shall be true, legal and effective.

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  Advertisers who publish Internet advertisements by themselves shall comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, establish advertisement files and update them in time. The relevant files shall be kept for not less than three years from the date of termination of advertising.

  When an advertiser entrusts to publish an Internet advertisement, it shall notify the advertising agents and publishers who provide services to it in a timely manner in written form or in other ways that can be confirmed.

  How to standardize "live broadcast with goods"?

  Where a commodity seller or service provider promotes a commodity or service through live Internet broadcast, which constitutes a commercial advertisement, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertiser according to law.

  If the operator of the live broadcast room is entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertising operator and publisher according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who are entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising operators and publishers according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who recommend and prove goods and services in their own names or images, which constitute advertising endorsements, shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising spokespersons according to law.

  "Make sure to close with one button"

  When publishing Internet advertisements in the form of pop-ups, advertisers and advertisement publishers shall clearly mark the closure sign to ensure one-click closure, and shall not have any of the following circumstances:

  (1) The advertisement can only be closed if there is no closing sign or the time is over;

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  (three) to close the advertisement, it must be clicked twice or more;

  (four) in the process of browsing the same page and the same document, continue to pop up advertisements after closing, which will affect the normal use of the network by users;

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  The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the open-screen advertisements displayed and released when the Internet application is started.

  Do not mislead users to browse advertisements in these ways.

  Do not cheat or mislead users to click or browse advertisements in the following ways:

  (a) false system or software update, error reporting, cleaning, notification and other tips;

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  (3) False reward promises;

  (four) other ways to deceive and mislead users to click and browse advertisements.

  It shall not affect the normal use of the network by users.

  The use of the Internet to publish and send advertisements shall not affect users’ normal use of the Internet, and shall not insert bidding advertisements into the results of searching government service websites, webpages, Internet applications, WeChat official account, etc.

  Without the user’s consent, request or clear refusal, no Internet advertisement shall be sent to his means of transportation, navigation equipment, smart home appliances, etc., and no advertisement or advertisement link shall be attached to the e-mail or Internet instant messaging information sent by the user. (End)

Subject three is popular all over the world, and Yang li Ping’s team jumped into subject three and caused controversy. Netizens have mixed opinions on this.

Original title: Subject three is popular all over the world, and Yang li Ping’s team jumped into subject three and caused controversy. Netizens have mixed opinions on this.

Recently, an online popular dance named "Subject III" not only exploded the domestic short video platform, but also spread all over the country, and even went abroad and became a global phenomenal dance.

The dance step of "Subject III" originated from the wedding in Guangxi, mainly because relatives and friends "get married" at the wedding. It is similar to social shaking, and has become very popular after improvement. Therefore, "three subjects that Guangxi people must take" has been derived, and subject three is this set of small dance steps.

Rhythmic background music, coupled with waving hands, twisting waist, swinging hips, and half-twisted foot movements, attracted all ages and industries to imitate each other. And in November, 2023, bloggers "eat eight bowls of rice at a time" and "shut your tomatoes" brought it to the forefront, which attracted the attention of netizens, and "subject three" was completely out of the circle.

"Subject 3" ordinary people are jumping, and so are the stars. Before, Zhu Zixiao had danced "Subject 3" with the staff in Haidilao, and the related videos had a high popularity. Then when Ruoyun Zhang was promoting his new work, he was also cued by the audience and jumped up "Subject 3" on the spot.

Not long ago, in Reuters, Laos station of Five Ha 4, Lu Han Michael Chen also led a group of guests to dance "Subject III", which was hilarious and funny, and was also teased by netizens that "at first glance, there was no less secret practice".

With the popularity of "subject three", more and more people have joined the challenge of "subject three". The world ballroom dancing champion took the lead in jumping "Subject 3", the Royal Russian Ballet jumped "Subject 3" at the curtain call, and the fitness blogger Pamela claimed that "Subject 3 is popular all over the world in Germany", and formally applied for the battle with her brother and danced the fitness version of "Subject 3" together. From this point of view, "subject three" is already popular all over the world.

Recently, after the performance, Yang li Ping’s team also collectively returned to the stage and danced "Subject 3". However, this incident triggered a hot discussion on the whole network, and some netizens commented that "the world is a huge subject 3".

For the current "subject three" fire, netizens’ comments are mixed. Some people think that this is a cultural export. In those days, "Jiangnan style" was popular all over the world. Why can’t "Subject III" be widely popular now?

However, some people say that they can’t appreciate the dance of "Subject III", saying that its dance movements are vulgar and I don’t know why it is popular.

In fact, there is no distinction between high and low performances. Some things are reasonable when they exist. If you like them, you can join them, and if you don’t like them, you can brush them lightly. There is no need to think that you are standing on the moral high ground to make irresponsible remarks.

Because of the popularity of "Subject III" all over the world, it has been reported that "Subject III" is about to board this year’s Spring Festival Evening, and many actors are stepping up their practice. What do you think of this?

Editor in charge:

230,000-280,000 Yuan BYD Han released the domestic pre-sale price.

  On May 19th, the "Global Super Safe Smart New Energy Flagship Car" released the domestic pre-sale price, including three EV models and one DM model. After the national comprehensive subsidy, the pre-sale price of the luxury version of Han EV is 240,000 yuan, the pre-sale price of the distinguished version of Han EV is 260,000 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the flagship version of Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version is 280,000 yuan; Han DM four-wheel drive performance version of the luxury pre-sale price of 230 thousand yuan. The cruising range of the luxury and distinguished NEDC of the Han EV long battery life version is 605 kilometers, and the cruising range of the high-performance flagship NEDC of the Han EV four-wheel drive is 550 kilometers.

  On May 13th, BYD announced the launch of Han EV in Europe. The estimated price range in Europe is 45,000-55,000 euros (equivalent to about 346,000-423,000 yuan). On the whole, Han’s domestic pre-sale price far exceeds the industry and market expectations, which brings great surprises and is bound to have a far-reaching impact on the large and medium-sized new energy luxury car market. Of course, the pre-sale of such a heavy model is indispensable: before May 31, scan BYD e to buy small program code and deliver 99 yuan’s intention money online, so you can participate in the activity of doubling Difenhui points; Before May 31st, the authorized dealer of Han model can pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan and enjoy a gift of 60,000 yuan for science and technology. The above two rights can be enjoyed at the same time.

  Set up three benchmarks, and Han’s strength is in a comprehensive and balanced lead.

  Among the new energy vehicles that have been and will be listed in 2020, Han, as a brand-new masterpiece for the medium and large luxury car market, undoubtedly has the most flagship temperament and strength. Based on the product development concept of "all-round, balanced and leading, life-cycle safety", Hanji integrates the world’s leading hard-core technology, and its superior product strength sets a benchmark for the safety, performance and luxury of new energy cars.

  Han is the world’s first production car with blade batteries, and the battery safety performance has been doubled. Compared with ternary lithium battery pack, the leading performance of blade battery in safety has been unanimously recognized by the industry. More reasonable body structure design, load transmission path, selection of environmental protection materials in the car and safety configuration far beyond the same level products make Han the safest new energy vehicle on the market at present.

  Han is equipped with a blade battery with high volume energy density. Combined with the comprehensive optimization of high-speed energy consumption, braking feedback, temperature control in the car and other scenes, the cruising range of NEDC can be as high as 605 kilometers. In addition, Han has also created a real long battery life closer to the real car scene and a fast charging ability of 10 minutes and 135 kilometers. In addition, 3.9 seconds to accelerate the breaking of 100 meters, 32.8 meters of the world’s shortest new energy vehicle braking distance of 100 kilometers and other powerful performance, creating an amazing performance benchmark for new energy vehicles.

  The Dragon Face design language adopted by Han combines the dragon element with the efficacy aesthetics, and the curved surface design of the front face, the D-pillar slip back line and the through taillight design set off the luxury temperament of medium and large cars. The driving space in the car is centered on the large-size floating central control panel, and the multi-function steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, air conditioning outlet and speakers are unfolded in a zigzag layout on both sides, showing the connotation of Chinese luxury.

  Han’s intelligence is also refreshing. DiLink3.0 system provides multi-theme and personalized human-computer interaction interface, and builds a luxurious and intelligent S-class flagship driving space through the seamless combination of voice and screen. At the same time, Han launched the DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which includes the rich DiDAS driving assistance technology and the unique DiTrainer coaching mode. DiDAS includes APA full-scene automatic parking function, and DiTrainer coaching mode can selectively turn on auxiliary driving function according to driving behavior, road conditions, weather and even driving age.

  Facing three scenarios, Han knows more about new energy vehicle users.

  Han’s target population knows how to choose a high-quality new energy vehicle, and also has high standards and strict requirements for daily car scenes. Han also knows more about the real needs of consumers of new energy vehicles. Taking battery life as an example, Han EV not only has a cruising range of 605 kilometers, but also strengthens real scenes such as high speed, traffic jam and air conditioning, creating a real battery life beyond the working conditions for users.

  First of all, high-speed road conditions, 70% of the resistance comes from wind resistance, Han ultra-low wind resistance coefficient can greatly reduce high-speed energy consumption, so that the heart will no longer "jump together" with electricity. Second, the city is congested with road conditions. Han is equipped with the world’s most efficient IPB energy recovery system, which can recover 10% more braking energy and "feed back" the battery life. The third is the temperature control in the car. Han maintains excellent air tightness in the car through three seals of the whole car, which can keep warm in winter and summer, effectively reducing the frequency of air conditioning; At the same time, Han adopts Fuyao’s double-layer silver-plated windshield, which can reflect 40% of the heat outside the car. In summer, the heating speed inside the car is much better than that of ordinary models, saving power consumption again and increasing the battery life.

  Every time a new car comes out of BYD dynasty series, its reputation will go up to a higher level. As the flagship of the dynasty, Han will play the same role, bringing users a higher quality experience. What surprises will Han bring after the pre-sale price is announced? Let’s look forward to it.

The latest news of the new BYD Tang will be released in August.

A few days ago, we learned from relevant channels that the new modelTang is expected to be officially unveiled in August this year, and the new car will be adjusted in appearance and interior. It is understood that,Tang introduced three power forms: fuel version, plug-in hybrid version and pure electric version for consumers to choose from.

The picture is as follows:Automobile 2019 Tang DM

In terms of appearance, cashTang adopted the family-style "Dragon Face" design language in appearance, and there are design differences between the fuel version and the new energy version. ready moneyTang Fuel Edition is equipped with a 2.0T engine and matched with a 6-speed automatic manual transmission.Tang DM version is equipped with a powertrain with a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a rear motor. In terms of transmission, it is matched with a 6-speed dual-clutch gearbox and provides intelligent electric four-wheel drive;There are two cruising versions of the Tang Chun electric version, and the cruising range of NEDC is 500km and 520km respectively.

Peace of mind diet conveys the concept of health, and Spring Broadcasting won the "Golden Bridge Award, the most valuable consumer company of the year"

On November 19th, the 2020 Thinking Finance Investor Annual Meeting and the 12th Golden Bridge Award Ceremony hosted by Thinking Finance and Investor Network were successfully held in Shanghai Pudong Star River Hotel. The theme of this annual meeting is "Change and Opportunity", aiming at finding the backbone of the double-cycle era and finding new investment opportunities in the face of global economic changes. In this "Golden Bridge Award" ceremony, Chunbo, a new retail platform that advocates providing consumers with peace of mind and healthy food, won the honor of "the most valuable consumer company of the year".

Photo: Chunbo won the honor of "Golden Bridge Award, Consumer Company with the Most Investment Value of the Year"

The "Golden Bridge Award" is jointly selected by experts in the industry, such as Thinking Finance and Investor Network. It examines enterprises from four dimensions: achievements, investment value, innovation ability and social responsibility in the past year, aiming at providing a good evaluation and reference system for China’s capital market. Since its inception in 2008, the annual investor conference has been recognized by many investors as the most valuable enterprise selection ceremony, and has now become an annual gathering closely watched by many well-known domestic financiers, investors and industry experts.

Since the beginning of this year, the epidemic has changed people’s inherent concept of life and lifestyle, and it has also given fresh food home delivery a new opportunity from "survival consumption" to "daily consumption". As a new retail platform for supplying high-quality safe and healthy food, spring sowing has also pressed the "fast forward button" of development in 2020.

With the explosive growth of online fresh consumption demand and the capital attention of many players in the fresh e-commerce track, why can spring sowing stand out from many competitors and be selected as the most investment-worthy consumer company of the year by Thinking Finance and Investor Online?

Safety advantage: the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China.

As a platform of "new retail of safe and healthy food", Spring Broadcasting always puts food safety in the first place. Wang Xin, the founder and CEO of Spring Broadcasting, once mentioned in the early stage of his business that Spring Broadcasting should build trust consumption between producers and consumers. To this end, Chunbo took the lead in the industry and became the first new food retail platform with CMA certified quality control laboratory in China. The quality control laboratory of spring sowing tests all the goods on the shelves, including pesticide residues, heavy metal residues, hormones, veterinary drug residues, preservatives, artificial colors and other items. A professional quality inspection team composed of dozens of masters and bachelors is responsible for routine "full inspection of each batch" and "timed inspection in warehouse" of fresh ingredients, and issues inspection reports in real time. Each product has an independent ID, and the test results can be traced back to the whole process. Only products whose test results have passed the standards of "spring sowing BEST" or "spring sowing quality control" based on national organic and national food safety standards respectively can be sold on the spring sowing platform, thus establishing the food safety advantage of the new retail platform of spring sowing healthy food in the industry.

Channel advantage: Close cooperation with embassies of many countries will bring peace of mind and delicious food from every corner of the world to China.

Spring sowing takes "20 articles of peace of mind" as the principle of product selection, and brings safe food to consumers in China through global preferred suppliers, spring sowing own planting bases and producers’ alliance to protect the earth. Since its establishment, Chunbo has established long-term trust and cooperation with embassies and food industry associations in nearly 30 countries around the world. Regardless of any country or region, buyers of spring sowing will go to the place of origin through the recommendation of the embassy or suppliers, and conduct an all-round inspection of the products from the dimensions of geographical environment, raw material cultivation, processing methods, product packaging and product flavor, so as to ensure the source control of food and ensure that the food introduced by the platform meets the standards of spring sowing selection. At the same time, combined with offline experience and online promotion activities such as exotic food week held from time to time, consumers can always taste the original and pure delicacies of various countries through the spring broadcast platform.

Commodity advantage: gathering excellent sources of origin and direct extraction resources of organic ingredients.

The spring sowing planting base was built in strict accordance with the national organic product standards, and obtained organic certification in 2015. The base produces more than 60 kinds of organic vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbages. The establishment of Conscience Guarding the Earth Producers Alliance is also an important starting point for spring sowing to advocate and promote organic crops. Based on the concept of "defending human health and protecting the earth’s environment", the alliance directly supplies and sells organic vegetables to spring sowing. In addition, the technical team of Spring Sowing Farm has accumulated a set of mature management systems for the Alliance, such as organic cultivation technology management system, variety system, farm worker management system and KPI incentive measures, which not only enhances the growth and income of new farmers in organic agriculture, but also guarantees the supply of high-quality organic agricultural products in spring sowing.

It is reported that the spring broadcast platform defends consumers’ three meals a day around the main scenes of family cooking. Up to now, there are 14 categories and more than 4,000 commodities on the platform, covering ingredients, food and utensils needed by families. Consumers only need to use WeChat applet and APP to enjoy peace of mind and delicious food without leaving home. If consumers are in Wuxi, they can also go to Chunbo Anxin Health Supermarket to select and feel the high quality of Chunbo Anxin food at close range.

Recently, Spring Broadcasting is accelerating the layout of regional pre-warehouses, and now it has opened the express service in Dongzhimen, Beijing. In the future, more China families will enjoy peace of mind food at any time with the strong aging service.

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted by our website, aiming to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, and are for readers’ reference only.

[Editor: Zhong Jingwen]

The 2023 Top Ten News Selection of Listed Companies was officially launched [Voting Courtesy]


News selection of top ten listed companies

Participate in the voting and get a chance to get a surprise gift!

11 December-22 December

"e burns on contact"

The new year is approaching, and the annual "Top Ten Listed Company News" selection of Securities Times E Company comes as scheduled. Vote and you will have a chance to take home the New Year gift package!

In 2023, China’s economy rebounded. As a "barometer" of macro-economy, the group of listed companies tells the story of China’s economic development in twists and turns with concrete and vivid business performance. Securities Times E Company has always adhered to the main position of reporting by listed companies, and is committed to providing valuable information to investors and bringing vivid and detailed company news stories to readers.

Looking back at the end of the year, what news of listed companies happened in 2023 that impressed you the most? What major events will be the most striking milestone in 2023 when China’s economy turns to a new stage of development?

Here, Securities Times E Company selects 18 pieces of news of listed companies and invites you to review the important stories of listed companies in 2023 and vote for "Top Ten News of Listed Companies in 2023".

01, the main board registration system, the first batch of 10 enterprises listed.

On April 10th, the A-share market officially ushered in the listing of the first batch of 10 companies registered on the main board. So far, all major sectors of the capital market, including the main board, Growth Enterprise Market, science and technology innovation board and Beijing Stock Exchange, have basically achieved the registration system, and China’s capital market has stood at a new starting point for high-quality development.

02. Evergrande Xu Jiayin was taken compulsory measures.

On September 28th, Xu Jiayin, the actual controller of Evergrande Group, was taken compulsory measures according to law, leaving China Evergrande with debts as high as 2 trillion yuan. From "the richest man" to suspected criminals, a number of "real estate bosses" represented by Xu Jiayin gradually declined, which indicates that the real estate industry in China is entering a new stage of development.

03, the first batch of forced delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board were released.

On July 7th, the delisting Amethyst and Delisted Zeda were delisted, becoming the first batch of compulsory delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board. So far this year, 46 A-shares have been delisted, and the "face value retreat" generated by investors voting with their feet has gradually become the mainstream of delisting, and the delisting system is constantly playing the role of "purifier" in the market.

04. Huijin entered the market.

On October 11th, Huijin increased its holdings of ICBC, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China and China Construction Bank. The last time Huijin increased its holdings of the four major banks can be traced back to 2015, conveying a positive signal of stabilizing the capital market. Subsequently, Huijin announced the purchase of ETF to further directly support the market.

05. Zhang Jin, the actual controller of Cedar’s "non-smoking" case, was controlled.

On the afternoon of May 7, Huangpu District Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau filed a case for investigation and punishment on the suspected illegal absorption of public deposits by subsidiaries of Cedar Holdings, and the actual controller Zhang Jin was under criminal control. Among the listed companies of Cedar, Qixiang Tengda has been decoupled in advance, and *ST Xuefa said that it remains independent in business. Cedar Holdings, with the aura of "Fortune 500" on its head, has repeatedly exploded events related to "self-integration", and several investigation reports of it by Securities Times have caused great repercussions.

06. A-share repurchase wave of 100 billion yuan

The wave of repurchase of A-share listed companies is constantly emerging, and all capitals work together to maintain market confidence. Since 2023, the number of companies that have issued repurchase plans (including multiple repurchases) has exceeded 1,600, a record high; The total amount of repurchase funds in progress throughout the year exceeded 100 billion yuan. At present, the "support" legion is still expanding.

07, Ant Group was fined 7.1 billion.

On July 7, the central bank announced that it would impose a fine of 7.123 billion yuan on Ant Group, requiring it to shut down its illegal "mutual treasure" business. Taking this as a node, most of the outstanding problems in the financial business of platform enterprises have been rectified, and the focus of financial management departments has shifted from promoting centralized rectification of financial business of platform enterprises to normal supervision.

08, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line Wang Chuanfu shed tears.

On August 9, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle officially rolled off the assembly line, becoming the first car company in the world to reach this milestone. Wang Chuanfu shed tears at the scene. He predicted that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China market will exceed 60% in 2025, and a number of respectable world-class brands will be born in China automobile industry. The prospect predicted by Wang Chuanfu is accelerating. Three months after the end of this activity, BYD announced that the company’s 6 millionth new energy vehicle was off the assembly line.

09. The shareholders of my music home were severely hammered for illegally reducing their holdings.

The era of "illegal reduction and self-punishment of three cups" has passed. On September 27th, Yu Fanyi and others, shareholders of Le Jia’s over-reduced shareholding, were severely punished by "no penalty", with a total amount of nearly 50 million yuan. In the same period, Xu Xiong, chairman of Oriental Fashion, who was involved in illegal reduction, was arrested. The "new regulations on reducing holdings" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 27th is reshaping the market ecology.

10. AVIC Electric Power Survey was reorganized into Chengfei Group.

The reform of state-owned enterprises continued to advance in 2023. On February 1st, AVIC announced that it planned to buy 100% equity of aviation industry Chengfei at a price of 17.442 billion yuan, which was the most eye-catching case this year. China’s most advanced fifth-generation fighter J -20 will land in A shares through this reorganization.

11. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Ford cooperated to build a factory in the United States.

On February 14th, Ford and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited reached an agreement that Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited would provide technical and service support for the production of Ford’s new lithium iron phosphate battery factory in the United States. China’s high-end manufacturing is accelerating to seize the global market, and the "new three" consisting of electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells leads foreign trade exports.

12. Dongfeng Motor cut prices on a large scale.

In March, Dongfeng Motor subsidized the price reduction on a large scale, and then this price reduction tide swept across the country, covering almost all mainstream brands, which effectively boosted the popularity of automobile consumption in a short period of time. The year 2023 is coming to an end, and it has become a mainstream consensus that the automobile industry will achieve the goal at the beginning of the year smoothly and even beyond expectations.

13. The "third arrow" of equity financing of housing enterprises will be launched again.

On June 16th, China Merchants Shekou announced that the reorganization of the company was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and on October 17th, it completed the listing of additional shares, becoming the first A-share real estate enterprise to successfully test the "third arrow". The equity financing channel of A-share housing enterprises has been reopened after many years of suspension, and the policies that are not suitable for the current real estate supply and demand situation are being gradually optimized.

14. Yao Zhenhua defeated Zhongju Gaoxin.

On July 19th, Yao Zhenhua, the chairman of Baoneng Group, screened the Internet. On this day, he went to the actually controlled Zhongju High-tech Research Institute but was turned away by the security guard. A few days later, Yao Zhenhua lost control of Zhongju Hi-tech, and was exposed to the embarrassing video of being beaten by unpaid employees. It is Wang Shi, an old rival, who supports Yao Zhenhua. "The mentality of the society on this matter is to eat melons and watch the fun. I feel sad."

15. The first case of Jingwei Textile Machinery’s A-share delisting without loss.

On August 29th, Jingwei Textile Machinery announced its voluntary delisting and delisted on October 26th, becoming the first listed company in A-share market to withdraw from the market without loss. Jingwei Textile Machinery did not clearly explain the reasons for the voluntary delisting, but the overdue payment of many products of its subsidiary Zhongrong Trust was worrying.

16, ask the new M7 released.

On September 12th, the new M7 developed by Huawei was listed, which won over 60,000 awards a month later, driving a series of concept stocks such as Cyrus to strengthen collectively. Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, said that he was "far ahead", which was constantly updated this autumn.

17. Zhejiang Guoxiang suspended the issuance.

On October 7, the Shanghai Stock Exchange urgently stopped Zhejiang Guoxiang IPO and carried out special verification. The company’s second IPO had attracted continuous media attention. Since 2023, there have been 213 companies that have terminated IPO review. The reform of the registration system is not to "let it go", but to fully consider China’s national conditions, credit environment and the development stage of the capital market, and strictly control the quality of listed companies.

18. Aolian Electronics "Perovskite God" was counterfeited.

High-profile teamed up with the "Perovskite Great God", but the fake "Great God" has a false resume. The stock price soared by 200%, and the final increase was completely smoothed out. The A-share market is waiting for the results of the investigation of Aolian Electronics by the regulatory authorities. Under the main tone of strengthening supervision in an all-round way, nearly 100 listed companies have been investigated by the CSRC this year. It is not empty talk to strengthen supervision in an all-round way and effectively prevent and resolve risks.

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When will the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity stop when Yang li Ping Dance Company dances "Subject III"?

3.jpg, the star of criticism.

□ Xu Jinglan (Chongqing University)

Recently, the Yang li Ping Dance Company and the Russian Royal Dance Company danced "Subject III", which once again pushed this dance to the forefront, and triggered a heated discussion among the public about the boundaries between dance art and culture. Many netizens have previously said that "Yang li Ping’s jumping subject three is my biggest bottom line". However, Yang li Ping’s team really jumped up "Subject 3" at the curtain call recently.

With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, the dance of "Kemusan" quickly became popular in the Haidilao incident, and its easy-to-understand characteristics undoubtedly attracted a large number of audiences. However, the popularity of this "vulgar" culture has also triggered in-depth discussions on artistic value and connotation. Many people question whether a professional art team like Yang li Ping should take part in such a "popular" performance, which is considered to be detrimental to the elegance and depth of art.

The debate between refined culture and popular culture is not a new topic, it reflects the society’s pluralistic cognition of art and culture. On the one hand, we can’t ignore the powerful influence and attraction of "vulgar" culture in mass communication. Popular cultural phenomena such as Phoenix Legend’s Divine Comedy in Square Dance, with its grounded language, cheerful melody and easy-to-imitate movements, have successfully crossed the boundaries of age, region and social class and won the love and pursuit of the general public. This feature of being close to the people and entertaining makes the "vulgar" culture spread and popularize rapidly and become an indispensable part of people’s daily life.

However, on the other hand, we should also be soberly aware that those enduring cultural treasures often contain profound connotations and far-reaching significance. These cultural forms may be classical literature, traditional art, philosophical thoughts or historical heritage. They have undergone the baptism of time and the precipitation of history, bearing the crystallization of human wisdom and the richness and diversity of the spiritual world. These cultural treasures are not only our cultural heritage, but also important resources for us to understand ourselves, explore the world, improve our literacy and enlighten our thinking.

The evaluation of art and culture should not only stay on the superficial distinction between elegance and vulgarity. Every cultural form has its own value and significance. Whether it is elegant art or popular entertainment, it may touch people’s emotions at some level, lead to thinking or bring fun. In recent years, with the rise of "fast-paced culture", people’s stay for works of art is shorter, and magical works of art occupy our eyes. However, this does not mean that the value of depth and connotation in art and culture has been weakened. On the contrary, the existence of fast-paced culture highlights people’s desire for instant satisfaction and relaxed entertainment, which is an important embodiment of the diversity of art and culture.

We need a more open and inclusive attitude in the face of the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity. The development of art and culture should be a process of multiple coexistence and mutual influence. Professional art teams try different performance forms, including the so-called "vulgar" culture, which may provide new inspiration and perspective for artistic innovation, and at the same time attract public attention to artistic works. At the same time, we should also encourage and support those cultural creations with profound meaning and connotation, so as to enrich our spiritual life and social and cultural landscape.

The phenomenon that "the world is a huge subject three" reminds us that no matter who jumps into "subject three", in this era of information explosion, we encourage artists and creators to explore and try different art forms and expressions bravely, and at the same time, we should create more and better works that people like. We should also face and evaluate art and culture with an open and inclusive attitude, so as to jointly promote the progress and development of human spiritual civilization.

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Ideal launch L9 product experience promotion plan to improve the experience.


  With the delivery of Ideal L9 (Parameter | Inquiry), Ideal Official has recently received a lot of feedback about the product experience. A few days ago, LI officially released the ideal L9 product experience improvement plan, including three-screen simulcast, three-screen simulcast, mobile App car control authority and other functions, all of which are planned to be realized through the next OTA upgrade and the fourth quarter.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  1. Three-screen simultaneous playback and three-screen simultaneous projection function

  When many people watch videos and play games in the car, the "interoperability" of the three screens is very important. This requires two new functions to support: three screens play the same video or three screens project at the same time.

  In the fourth quarter, three-screen simulcast and three-screen simulcast will be realized through OTA. Iqiyi will be the first application to support three-screen simulcast, and other video applications will follow. At that time, no matter in the front row or the back row, everyone can enjoy watching videos and playing games.

Ideality L9

  In order to better enhance the screen projection experience, we will also launch "Double Type-C Direct Projection Line" and "HDMI to Type-C Direct Projection Line" in the official mall, which is compatible with more game consoles, mobile phones or tablets. It is expected to go online on September 25th.

Ideality L9

  2. Problems of three-screen scanning code login application

  At present, the relationship between the three screens in the L9 car is equivalent to the three tablets we use at home, and the applications in each screen need to scan the code separately to log in. For users who have just picked up the car, it is really cumbersome. In order to solve this problem, we have a preliminary solution at present, and some applications can complete the login of three-screen applications in the same screen in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  3. The sharing function of the car control authority of the mobile App.

  When many people want to use the same car, everyone needs a "mobile phone key", but privacy and convenience need to be taken into account at the same time. At present, we have formed a preliminary plan internally and plan to OTA in the fourth quarter.

  4. Small refrigerator experience improvement

  L9′ s mini refrigerator can only be opened in the second row, but we found that the driver and passenger also have the need to use the mini refrigerator. In the parking scene, when people sitting in one row reach for the small refrigerator in the second row to get drinks, the cooling or heating mode may change due to accidental touch.

Ideality L9

  In order to solve this problem, in the fourth quarter, we will increase the switch of small refrigerator door in the central control panel. At the same time, the continuous working function of the small refrigerator after leaving the car will become a long-term setting item, which can keep the small refrigerator working after locking the car only once.

  5. Air conditioning logic optimization

  In order to make the automatic air-conditioning function meet more people’s car habits, the automatic air-conditioning function of L9 provides "five automatic grades", with the first gear being the weakest and the fifth gear being the strongest.

  In the current logic, after the "automatic mode" is selected in the screen, the "automatic 1st gear" is entered by default, so when the car is very hot, everyone will feel that the cooling is not fast enough. In the next OTA, we will optimize it to "Automatic 3rd gear" by default after selecting the automatic mode, which is also the most comfortable air volume level, taking into account the cooling/heating speed.

Ideality L9

  In the remote air conditioning function, the remote air conditioner will be changed to "automatic 5th gear" by default to realize rapid cooling/heating, which will also be optimized in the next OTA.

  6. The stability of the 5G network of the vehicle is improved

  L9′ s 5G network uses an Internet of Vehicles card, which is different from our commonly used mobile phone card. In the same area, network service providers have different network configuration strategies for car networking cards and mobile phone cards, so their actual network performance may be inconsistent. In the previous network test, we have covered most cities in China, and at present, we are also jointly conducting road tests in more cities to continuously improve the network stability in various regions.

  In addition to the operator’s reasons, some strategies of the car itself may also lead to poor network experience, which may cause problems such as slow recovery of the network in and out of the basement and occasional disconnection of the App car control. We will optimize them in the next OTA and the fourth quarter.

  7. Sound effect optimization

  Based on L9′ s high-quality audio system hardware capability and everyone’s feedback, we optimized the audio effect, which will be realized by OTA in the fourth quarter.

Ideality L9

  8. Navigation-assisted driving experience is improved.

  Navigation-assisted driving relies on high-precision maps, but the update speed of maps can’t keep up with the changes of actual road conditions. For example, after the high-speed construction section in a certain place is over, if the map is not updated in time, it will lead to the degradation of navigation-assisted driving, accompanied by sound reminders. This will cause the use of navigation-assisted driving to be interrupted occasionally, which is not continuous enough.

LI 2022 Ideal L9

  In the fourth quarter, we will combine the ability of map positioning and visual perception to greatly reduce the degradation in the use of navigation-assisted driving functions. At the same time, we will greatly improve the accuracy of the speed limit value of navigation-assisted driving.

  9. Mobile phone Bluetooth key experience optimization

  In the next OTA, we will further optimize the functions of "automatic locking when leaving the car" and "automatic unlocking when approaching" of the Bluetooth key of the mobile phone, so as to solve the problem that the timing of automatic unlocking is inconsistent with everyone’s daily car habits.

  Of course, in addition to the new functions and optimization projects mentioned above, we are still planning more new functions and solving some experience problems, such as the occasional car control of mobile App, inaccurate accompanying mileage in App, etc.