Behind Wang Jianlin’s "100 million small goal": the Chinese class is increasingly solidified

  "First set a small goal that can be achieved, for example, I will earn 100 million yuan first." Recently, Wang Jianlin’s public remarks have been widely circulated among the general public, and many people have made fun of themselves.

  Although Wang Jianlin’s remarks have their context, which can make the sentence seem less abrupt. But the "Matthew Effect" behind this sentence reflects the "Matthew Effect" of China’s class solidification and the rich getting richer will continue to play out in the future.

  First of all, from the perspective of Wang Jianlin, as the richest man in China in 2015, he will earn 100 million as a "small goal", which is confident: Statistics show that Wanda Group’s income in the first half of 2016 was 119.93 billion yuan (Wanda general merchandise is Wang Jianlin’s personal company, and the income is not included in Wanda Group), which means that Wanda Group’s daily operating income is about 6 billion yuan. The class A share listed company Wanda Cinema had an operating income of 5.722 billion yuan and a net profit of 805 million yuan in the first half.

  As one of the largest real estate-oriented integrated enterprises in China, Wanda Group’s profit-making effect is highlighted under the advantages of industry and scale. However, for most small and medium-sized enterprises, and even many class A share listed companies, under the trend of China’s economy gradually entering low growth, life is not so good.

  Taking the 2015 annual report of listed companies as an example, there are more than 300 15 million profits within one year, more than 10% of the total number of listed companies. What is the concept of 15 million? You can only buy a real estate in the main urban area of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. If you look at non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises, the situation may not be so good. In the past few years, foreign trade enterprises in coastal areas have closed down one after another due to the slowdown in exports. Since last year, due to the skyrocketing housing prices in hot cities, many manufacturing enterprises have been squeezed out. It can be said that with the increasing downward pressure on China’s economy in recent years, the days of Chinese enterprises, especially the manufacturing industry, have not been easy. Recently, there have even been many owners of manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen and Dongguan. When the enterprises encountered difficulties, they lamented that they should have bought

  Correspondingly, the new loans of enterprises shrank sharply in July this year. Among the 463.60 billion yuan of new RMB loans in the Financial Institution Group in July, corporate loans did not increase, but decreased by 2.60 billion yuan, a sharp decrease of 611.40 billion yuan month-on-month. This is only the second time in history that new loans of enterprises are negative. The last time was in July 2005 ten years ago.

  Without a doubt, this shows that the real economy is withering, enterprises are reluctant to lend, and profitability and solvency are quite difficult. The marketization of the financial system determines their inevitable choice. Either the enterprise dies or they voluntarily close the enterprise, and the demand for funds falls off a cliff. Once confidence collapses, even if the banks are willing to lend, the enterprises are not willing to take it.

  At the same time, companies with deep pockets such as Baoneng and Hengda are snapping up equity and capital operations everywhere, and every carnival of financial assets has benefited them a lot.

  The strong and the weak are the epitome of the current Chinese economy. At the same time, the widening wealth and resource differentiation between the rich and the general class reflects the increasing solidification of the Chinese class.

  Wanda’s huge annual income has inflated the wealth of Wang Jianlin and his son, and a similar situation is also reflected in other wealthy people. According to statistics, the number of billionaires in China is as high as 67,000, surpassing the United States in the global rich list and making it the country with the most billionaires in the world.

  At this time, in 2015, the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents was only 21,966 yuan, and the per capita GDP was only 50,000 yuan. In addition, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s social Gini coefficient was 0.462 in 2015, while the internationally recognized gap between the rich and the poor was 0.4 (the Gini coefficient is an important indicator used internationally to measure the difference in income distribution between residents. Only about 10% of countries in the world exceed 0.5, and the Gini coefficient in developed countries is generally between 0.24 and 0.36).

  In addition, in recent years, with the increasing downward pressure on the Chinese economy and the continuous release of liquidity by the central bank, the RMB has been weakening, and the depreciation pressure is not small. At this time, the rich class of high net worth can protect themselves from the impact of exchange rate and other risk factors through overseas asset allocation; but the low net worth people, that is, the "poor", seem to have little protection against risk factors such as currency devaluation.

  In terms of domestic investment channels, the public can only choose stocks, bank wealth management and other channels, so the valuation of class A shares has been high, while bank deposits and wealth management products are completely "wedding clothes" for the wealth appreciation of the rich, because a large number of bank wealth management funds flow to financial marekt structured products.

  Yan Hao, the son of Yan Jiehe, an entrepreneur who was once China’s richest man, said recently that China has now bid farewell to the era of "sudden wealth". Indeed, as economic growth gradually stabilizes and all industries and fields are touched, "sudden wealth" situations are difficult to occur as frequently as in the decades before the reform and opening up, which is also a characteristic of the country entering a mature stage.

  However, there is something else to be said about Yan Hao’s words: the current poor are less likely to become rich in the future. It is difficult to predict to what extent, but if a person can no longer live a relatively satisfactory life by virtue of knowledge and hard work, and the theory that school is useless, struggle is useless, and "fighting father" is king are frequently verified, then the negative effects of class solidification will appear, and the consequences will be unimaginable, and they may even fall into the Latin American-style middle-income trap.

  Class solidification, followed by a lack of vitality in China, which should be the vast majority of people do not want to see.

"Southern Station" box office super 150 million Hu Ge interpretation role shimmer

1905 movie network news Since its release, the film has won 136 million box office performance in the first weekend, refreshing the director Diao Yinan’s personal box office record. On December 9, the film once again won 14 million box office, and continued to gain good reputation. The film roadshow also ushered in the last stop, starring Hu Ge airborne in Zhengzhou and surprised the local audience.

14 million box office on working days, with a strong reputation and praise "Treasure Crew"

On December 9th, directed by Diao Yinan, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, Liao Fan and Wan Qian starred in the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" starring Qidao, the cumulative box office has exceeded 150 million, and the first weekend alone has refreshed the director Diao Yinan’s Berlin Golden Bear Award box office record, and also successfully created the mainland box office record of the Chinese film shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Cannes International Film Festival, becoming a domestic film with a double harvest of word-of-mouth in the same period.

It is reported that the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" took 155 days to shoot, with 82 locations in Wuhan. 370 staff and 3,200 actors contributed 1,307 shots. Behind each amazing number is the absolute implementation of strict standards by all the crew. It is even called "Virgo crew" by Wan Qian, one of the starring actors: Hu Ge exhausted his strength for a shot that repeatedly rolled into the quagmire. Gui Lun magnesium suffered deep second-degree burns and still insisted on shooting. The Wuxing actor was accidentally injured and did not want to affect the shooting effect. The workers carefully put away the equipment after each shooting. The netizens were deeply moved and said: "What a treasure is this crew! The actors are struggling in the weather with a body temperature of more than 50 degrees. All the staff are attentive. I am sorry for the crew’s intentions if they don’t brush it again!"

Hu Ge made an appearance at the roadshow terminal in Zhengzhou, breaking himself and presenting the role interpretation

A few days ago, the film came to Zhengzhou, which was warmly welcomed and loved by the local audience, and also drew a successful end to the film roadshow. Some audience members said excitedly: "I think this film is very good. I am very grateful to Hu Ge for breaking himself and presenting Zhou Zenong."

Hu Ge also responded sincerely: "There are definitely challenges and pressures, I rarely try the big screen, and then there are such excellent teams, producers and directors, and such excellent actors to work together. Whether it is from the performance or from the past experience, it is a new beginning for me. But I feel that I am almost 40 years old. We also talked about it a few days ago, called unbreakable. I think everyone still needs to have some challenges and breakthroughs in themselves, otherwise we will never know where our potential is."

Talking about the glimmer of light on the top of the mountain that Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai saw in the film, Hu Ge also shared his understanding with the audience: "This light is two interpretations. One is that Zhou Zenong also has a human brilliance. Although he hides in the night most of the time, we can still see his warmth when his life is approaching the end. Another light is hope. It is the 300,000 bounty he exchanged for his life and the hope for his family’s future life. This is the light I hope you can see and feel in this movie, in addition to the neon lights that you see and the lights on the mountains in the distance."

As part of the film’s New Year’s ceremony, Hu Ge and the audience also followed the roadshow convention and tacitly taught the Henan version of the line "Big brother, borrow a fire". The "Borrowing Fire" tour is dotted, running through Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Zhengzhou and other cities, placing the good wishes of the creators and fans, and connecting a warm gathering at the end of the year that belongs to "The Wild Goose Lake".

Market analysis of children’s programming industry in China in 2020: the number of users is nearly 240 million, and the number of companies in Guangdong Province is far ahead.

China children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

Children’s programming education is to cultivate students’ computational thinking and innovative problem-solving ability through programming game enlightenment, visual graphic programming and other courses. For example, in the process of making a small animation, students split tasks, drag modules and control the progress themselves, so as to understand the concepts of "parallelism", "event handling" and "goal realization". It is mainly aimed at teenagers aged 3-18.

In 2014-2019, there were frequent policies related to children’s programming education in China, and the policy support continued to increase. At present, the teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China are mainly divided into three categories. At present, children’s programming education enterprises take the B-end as the main style, supplemented by the C-end. By the end of February, 2020, there were 7,110 children’s programming companies in China, with Guangdong Children’s Programming Company leading the country, and the top 10 children’s programming education institutions were headquartered in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people. China’s children’s programming market has huge room for growth in the future.

1. The development of children’s programming education in China has attracted much attention.

In 2014-2019, China’s children’s programming policies were released one after another. The country has realized the importance of education, and issued many related policies to encourage and support the continuous development of programming education and information education, and promote the popularization and deepening process of programming education at the national basic education level. The policy covers key provinces and cities such as Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangsu, Tianjin and Chongqing.

Summary of Important Policies of Children's Programming Industry in China from 2014 to 2019

2. Distribution of teaching scenes of children’s programming education in China.

The teaching scenes of children’s programming course are divided into three categories: non-public educational institutions, public educational institutions and families. By investigating the enterprises in the industry and comparing the landing degree in three scenarios, it is concluded that the current children’s programming education enterprises mainly adopt B-end, supplemented by C-end.

Distribution of Teaching Scenes of Children Programming Education in China

3. The headquarters of the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are concentrated in Shenzhen, Beijing and Hangzhou.

The children’s programming education industry in China has risen rapidly in recent years. With the blessing of multiple factors such as policy support and market maturity, children’s programming institutions have ushered in their own enthusiasm in the cold winter of capital. According to the data of Internet Weekly, the top 10 children’s programming education institutions in China are ranked as follows:

TOP10 Statistics of Children's Programming Education Institutions in China

4. The number of children’s programming companies in Guangdong Province leads the whole country.

China’s children’s programming is still small in scale and relatively scattered in institutions, mainly distributed in first-tier cities such as Beishangguangshen and Shenzhen, and offline institutions are also mainly concentrated in first-and second-tier cities.

By the end of February, 2020, there were 438 children’s programming companies in China. In 2019, there were 7110 children’s programming companies in China. By the end of February 2020, domestic children’s programming companies were mainly located in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong and Zhejiang, with 11,770, 3,529, 2,265 and 2,044 children’s programming companies respectively.

Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.Geographical distribution of the number of children's programming companies in China by the end of February 2020.

5. The overall corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China is increasing year by year, and it is about 237 million in 2019.

The minimum age of children’s programming students in China is about 3 years old. At this stage, children’s cognitive and understanding abilities have reached a certain level and can begin to participate in such training. The oldest participants are 18-19 years old, that is, senior three students, and the population covered by the training generally coincides with the student group corresponding to K12 education. Therefore, Forward-looking Industry Research Institute adds up the number of students in kindergartens, primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in the national statistical bulletin on the development of education published by the Ministry of Education every year, and estimates the population aged 3-18 in China. From 2014 to 2018, the population aged 3-18 in China showed a slow growth trend. In 2018, the corresponding age population of children’s programming industry in China was about 236 million. In 2019, it was about 237 million people.

Statistics and forecast of population aged 3-18 in China from 2014 to 2019

For the above data and analysis, please refer to Forward-looking Industry Research Institute, which provides solutions for industry, industry planning, industry declaration, and industry.

Community group buying "renewed war": there are "heads" who earn nearly 10,000 yuan a month.

  Look at the goods in the WeChat group, place orders in small programs, and move your fingers, and all kinds of fresh, grain and oil products will be delivered to your home. In 2020, a sudden epidemic disrupted everyone’s life rhythm, the online retail format broke out, and the community group purchase accident became an important support for the residents’ lives, and giants such as Meituan, Ali, JD.COM and Pinduoduo entered the market one after another. Recently, a reporter from Qilu Evening News and Qilu Yi went into several communities in the provincial capital to understand the current situation of community group buying.

  Qilu Evening News Qilu Yidian reporter Yu Yuxing

  Daily sales of 70-80 orders

  The maximum turnover per day is more than 10,000 yuan.

  Near eleven o’clock in the evening, Ms. Zhou "poisoned late at night" in the WeChat group, and photos and videos of spicy crayfish teased everyone’s appetite. The "Ding Ding" mobile phone kept shaking, and Ms. Zhou harvested another wave of orders before going to bed.

  In the past four years, Ms. Zhou has been a well-known "group leader" of a residential district in tianqiao district, Jinan, with two WeChat group purchases of 500 people. "In 2017, we started to do community group buying, and the users are basically the owners of the community." Ms. Zhou’s community group purchase relies on her own express collection point, and it is convenient for owners to take home the fresh food they bought the day before when they take the express delivery. "The source of customers is relatively stable, and it is not so laborious to do it. It is like opening another online supermarket. Everyone orders online and picks up the goods the next day. I am a pick-up point here."

  It is reported that there are thousands of households in Ms. Zhou’s community, and there are several community group purchases like her. "Basically, some treasure moms and mom-and-pop shops are doing it, and the user cross is very large." Ms. Zhou said that the platforms of the heads of delegations also cover each other, including Prosperity Optimization, Ten Clubs, You, Me and You. "I will send products from all platforms to the group and let users choose. Recently, a beautiful group was selected, and the activity was relatively strong, which was very popular with everyone. " 

  There are also differences in the opening of the group on each platform. Some groups are held every day, while others are held every other day. "Every time you open a group, you can trade dozens of orders and hundreds of orders. Each platform adds one, and the average is seventy or eighty orders a day." Ms. Zhou said that because most of them are fresh, grain and oil products, the single-day trading volume fluctuates greatly. "As little as two or three thousand yuan, more than ten thousand yuan. Especially on holidays, the volume of fruit gift boxes is very large, and the single-day turnover can reach about 13 thousand yuan. "

  10%-15% commission

  The "head" has a considerable monthly income.

  The second day after the rally, Ms. Zhou was the busiest time, basically from morning till night. "Especially after work, users go home and take the food back. There are often long pick-up queues at the door of the store. "

  Ms. Zhang, a working mother, is a member of the daily queue to pick up the goods. "If there is no food at home, just visit the group buying group in the community to see what to buy, and send it to the community the next day. It is simply too convenient to visit the vegetable market and supermarket." In Ms. Zhang’s view, convenience is the main reason for choosing community group buying.

  In addition to convenience, good quality and low price are also a major reason why community group buying can be a big fire. Ms. Zhou takes mangosteen, kiwi fruit, pitaya and other fruits on her platform as examples. Mangosteen, which costs more than ten yuan a catty in the supermarket, only needs 8.9 yuan to buy in the platform. 9.8 yuan in Xuxiang Kiwifruit Platform weighs three kilos, and the cheapest Kiwifruit in the supermarket also costs five or six yuan a kilo.

  "The quality of fruits and vegetables is comparable to that of supermarkets or even fresher, and the price is still cheap. Users who have bought them will place orders again and again." Ms. Zhou said that word-of-mouth communication among community users is more reliable than any advertisement. After being recognized by users, everyone will pull acquaintances in to buy together.

  It has been less than half a year since Ms. Feng, the "post-90 s" Bao Ma, became the "head" of community group buying. "My girlfriend recommended me to join, just to earn pocket money while taking care of my children." Ms. Feng said that there are more than 200 people in her group, and the daily sales are around 1,000 yuan. The platform gives 10% commission, and it can also have two or three thousand yuan a month.

  Ms. Zhou, who has two 500 people in her hand, has to double her monthly income. "There are many platforms, and the commission is basically between 10% and 15%." Ms. Zhou said that the monthly income is basically stable at around seven or eight thousand yuan. "On holidays, with the gift box, the monthly income is around 10,000 yuan."

  After seizing the market

  Doing a good job in product service is the key.

  Ms. Li, who has been the head of the Tenth Club in Dianliu Community of Jinan for more than two years, was recently invited by the US delegation and became the preferred head of the US delegation.

  "For the head of the team, multiple platform products can be sent to the same group, so that users can make their own judgments and place orders." Mr. Yuan, the preferred promoter of Meituan, said that Meituan had developed more than 3,700 WeChat groups with more than 100 people in Jinan in one and a half months.

  Different from the "seed player" such as the Tenth Club, which developed from the grassroots level of the industry, Meituan is a key project of large enterprises with a level of 100 billion. With strong financial support, it can be quickly opened nationwide at the beginning of the opening. "In the next step, relying on Meituan APP, Meituan Optimization will be made into a new industrial line alongside Meituan Takeaway."

  In Mr. Yuan’s view, there is an essential difference between the optimization of the US Mission and the Tenth Mission. The two modes are different. The Tenth Mission has small profits but quick turnover, focusing on profit and demanding sales; Meituan pays more attention to the number of orders when buying food, and wants to make data.

  However, Mr. Yuan admits that, as far as Jinan is concerned, the order quantity of the Tenth Club is currently unmatched by the US Mission.

  However, the US Mission also has an advantage that the Tenth Mission does not have, that is, the US Mission APP. "At present, Meituan has been connected with Meituan APP, and everyone can place an order through Meituan APP, which means that all people who have Meituan APP may become the preferred users of Meituan."

  "Community group buying starts from the head of the team, but it will eventually end in the supply chain". In fact, how to do a good job in product service after seizing the market is the most critical part for community group buying platforms such as Meituan Optimization, Ten-Club Group, and City Life.

  Hot money poured in, and giants followed suit.

  Is community group buying "really fragrant"

  If you win fresh food, you win the world. In recent years, various sales models of fresh food industry have been favored by capital giants frequently. In 2020, as a "pre-sale+self-promotion" sales model in the fresh food industry, community group buying became popular overnight and was selected by the capital again under the influence of the epidemic.

  According to the data of Tianyancha, according to incomplete statistics, there have been more than ten times of financing in the field of community group buying and fresh e-commerce in China this year, amounting to 10 billion yuan. Among them, the 10th Club was voted for three times this year, with a total financing of US$ 249.7 million; Tongcheng Life received 200 million dollars and tens of millions of dollars in financing in June and July. According to LatePost, the latest round of financing of $495 million per day is the largest financing of fresh food industry to date.

  With the influx of hot money and the follow-up of giants, what is the future of community group buying?

  "Community group buying adopts ‘ Pre-sale+self-withdrawal ’ The model is based on sales, there is no turnover, there is no need for offline stores, and there is no high distribution cost for centralized self-lifting. " Ms. Zhou, who has worked hard in community group buying for three or four years, is very optimistic about "community group buying". She said that the pre-sale method of community group buying can effectively reduce the inventory, and the goods have been booked and sold before they arrive in the warehouse, which improves the turnover efficiency and reduces the product loss rate and distribution cost.

  However, Mr. Zhao, a veteran in the industry, pointed out that the so-called fixed production by sales and fixed production by demand is actually difficult to achieve. Moreover, domestic agricultural products are generally lack of standardization, and direct mining in the place of origin and taking goods at the base are mostly gimmicks. "Community group buying also requires multiple categories, which is difficult for most enterprises, and many still rely on the local first-class wholesale market."

  In addition, Mr. Zhao believes that how to keep the head of the platform and keep the tourists is also a problem worth exploring.

  It is foreseeable that the competition for community group buying resources is bound to intensify. With the entry of Internet giants, there are more possibilities for this track.

Domestic autonomous driving technology attracts global automakers to pay attention to multinational supply chain enterprises and increase local research and development.

On April 25th, the Beijing Auto Show was reopened after several years. The localization of auto software and AI-led autonomous driving technology has become the focus of multinational auto manufacturers and supply chain enterprises.

Huawei’s Gankun smart car solution debuted at the Beijing Auto Show for the first time, attracting executives from many multinational auto manufacturers to visit. According to sources, Huawei is expected to authorize advanced assisted driving (ADAS) solutions to multinational car companies to land in China, and the specific cooperation mode is still under discussion.

On the other hand, due to the rapid iterative demand of China electric vehicle manufacturers for autonomous driving technology and the trend of going out to sea, European and American automobile suppliers are also aiming at autonomous drivingartificial intelligenceBusiness opportunities generated by technology in the automotive field.

Autopilot has become a key function to boost sales.

Although the price war of electric vehicles has intensified, with China consumers increasingly seeking high-tech functions when choosing cars, domestic automobile manufacturers have promised to invest heavily in technological innovation. AI technology, including autonomous driving, is also the focus of future competition among China automobile manufacturers.

China, a global automotive technology supplier, and Yang Xiaoming, president of Asia-Pacific region, told the First Financial Reporter on the eve of the Beijing Auto Show: "The iteration speed of products in China’s automotive market is far ahead of other regions in the world, especially in electrification and intelligence, such as advanced driver assistance."

Stephen Dyer, the co-head of research institute Ai Ruibo in Greater China and the head of automobile consulting business in Asia, told the China Business News after watching the Beijing Auto Show: "Obviously, many China automakers regard advanced assisted driving technology as a key function to boost sales."

Dai Jiahui pointed out that Ai Ruibo’s recent global electric vehicle survey confirmed that China consumers really care about these functions. "China Automobile Factory is unique in that it can deploy a wider range of ADAS functions at a lower cost than foreign brands."

withXPENG MotorsFor example, He Xiaopeng, the founder and CEO of the company, said that from next month, its software and upgrade will enter an "accelerated cycle", and he also hoped that the application scope of its software platform could be extended to other Asian countries and Europe.

Earlier this year, it has indicated that it plans to recruit 4,000 employees this year and invest 3.5 billion yuan in areas such as autonomous driving.

Last month, Xpeng Motors said that it was upgrading its driver assistance software, and planned to provide all autopilot functions to drivers all over China in 2024. XNGP advanced driver assistance system in Xpeng Motors andXiaomi automobileNOA is related toTeslaThe fully automatic driving technology FSD is similar.

The German Volkswagen Group holds nearly 5% of the shares in Xpeng Motors. Volkswagen is also cooperating with Xpeng Motors to develop a new intelligent electric vehicle architecture, so as to produce new electric vehicles with more economic benefits.

Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, also recently proposed that the goal of Xiaomi’s intelligent driving is to become the first echelon in 2024. He said that Xiaomi SU7 series models will all support NOA and parking service functions of the advanced assisted driving system on the expressway, and the city NOA is planned to be opened nationwide in August.

Multinational suppliers increase R&D investment in China.

An Bofu’s important customers in the world include multinational automobile manufacturers. Yang Xiaoming said that in order to further meet the needs of China automobile manufacturers for innovative technologies, Amber is considering setting up the first artificial intelligence center in China to increase the strategic layout of China market localization; On the other hand, Amber is also using its global data in the field of intelligent driving to empower China automobile manufacturers to go to sea.

In fiscal year 2023, the sales of China region of Ampofo increased by 12%, and the Asia-Pacific region, including China, contributed 28% of the global net sales of Ampofo. Yang Xiaoming said that Amber China will achieve 50% business growth in the next five years, and a large part of the sales growth will come from expanding cooperation with independent brands in China. He predicted that the business related to China manufacturers will reach 70% in five years.

"Our R&D investment in China will continue to increase. On the one hand, we are increasing the number of software engineers in China R&D Center, and at the same time, we are beginning to implement some forward-looking research in China. In the past, these studies were often placed abroad, and now we will also consider China as the first application site." Yang Xiaoming told the First Financial Reporter.

When talking about what role the artificial intelligence center in China will play in the world in the future, he said: "This artificial intelligence center will test a lot of data, and integrate artificial intelligence into the R&D process of our intelligent cars, greatly improving the R&D speed. These are also the requirements of our customers in China, which can better serve the global business of these enterprises."

Before the end of last year, ZF, a German automotive technology supplier, successfully obtained the Group’s first L4 autopilot test license in China. The company said that this will accelerate the localization development, testing and iteration of autonomous driving technology.

The First Financial Reporter learned that ZF has also increased its investment in R&D in China in recent years, including setting up an autonomous driving team in China, including investing in forward-looking technical research.

Multinational supplier overweightChina softwareLocal technology research and development is also due to the rapid rise of local suppliers. Industry insiders revealed to the First Financial Reporter that many multinational auto giants expressed interest in Huawei’s leading ADAS system. If Huawei’s smart car solution is finally licensed to multinational automobile manufacturers, it will not only help overseas automobile brands to accelerate their entry into the field of autonomous driving in China, but also mean that Huawei will have the opportunity to compete with top automotive technology suppliers Bosch and Continental Group.

A technical person in charge of Huawei’s intelligent driving related products did not comment on the details of the current negotiations between Huawei’s ADAS system and multinational automakers to the First Financial Reporter. "We can’t say anything that the company hasn’t released." He said.

Cross-border flow of automobile data attracts attention.

Dai Jiahui of Ai Ruibo told China Business News: "Multinational automobile manufacturers, especially European automobile manufacturers seem to realize that the development speed of China’s ADAS technology providers is much faster than that of European and American companies, which will also prompt some multinational companies to seek a system purchase or lease agreement with China’s ADAS suppliers for sharing. This business model is beneficial to both sides."

Francois Provost, head of purchasing and partner of French automaker Renault, said in a post on LinkedIn on Friday: "Luca de Meo, CEO of Renault, and China.Li AutoAnd Xiaomi held talks on electric and smart car technology. "This will also open the door for potential technical cooperation between the two sides.

As the global automotive technology supply chain tends to converge, cross-border flows such as data have also attracted great attention from the market. Yang Xiaoming told China Business News that the cross-border flow of data is important to promote the development of global autonomous driving technology.

"In the past, we used R&D data from Europe and the United States to support the landing of smart cars in China. As China automobile manufacturers speed up going to sea, we also hope that we can use the data trained in China to help them land overseas, but this still faces the bottleneck of data supervision." Yang Xiaoming said.

He stressed that data compliance is very important. At present, Amber is actively communicating with relevant institutions to clarify which intelligent networked automobile data can be shared and take advantage of its global data network.

"Recently, we have seen very good signs, and the regulatory authorities have given some clear instructions on data sharing, so that multinational companies like Amber can take advantage of our global data and train the software designed by China more quickly under the premise of legal compliance to help China automobile manufacturers who need to go to sea achieve their goals." He told the first financial reporter.

Recently, CEO Musk said on social platforms,TeslaFSD is expected to be implemented in China soon. In this regard, Yang Xiaoming told the First Financial Reporter: "If the new autopilot software can enter China, it will also promote the progress and development of the overall autopilot technology in China, because we can learn from better experience."

In the eyes of some insiders, the entry of FSD into China will still be a gradual process. Dai Jiahui told China Business News: "We have seen that the global autonomous driving function and autonomous level are gradually increasing, and China has adopted these technologies very quickly. However, I expect that the gradual increase of automatic driving function will become the main development path, rather than achieving a leap in fully automatic driving technology at one time. "

BYD Han has a battery life of 605 kilometers and only ran 230 kilometers. Is the battery seriously attenuated? You think wrong!

Recently, with the sharp drop in the national temperature, the old problem that the battery life of electric vehicles has been greatly reduced has begun to appear again, and it has been denounced by the people all over the country on the Internet, involving almost all electric vehicle brands, especially Wuling, MODEL3 and Han, which are in the front row of sales.

Among the numerous crusades, there is a Shanxi netizen whose net name is "Handsome Brother". He broke the news that he bought the Han EV with a long battery life of one and a half months, and only ran for 230 kilometers from full charge to 5% left, which was nearly two-thirds less than the battery life of 605 kilometers.

Judging from the screenshot of the post, the post has a lot of traffic, with 352 likes and 1044 comments. Many people think that the attenuation of power battery actually reaches 62%. The author also thinks this data is incredible. After reading many articles, many people have got the concept wrong.

The author has been focusing on new energy vehicles for many years, and is very aware of the three killers that affect the battery life: battery attenuation, low-temperature activity of batteries, and high power consumption of heating and air conditioning. The battery life of a series of well-known electric vehicles that have been exposed recently is actually caused by the joint action of the three.

First, battery attenuation:

At present, the technology of power battery is very mature, and the attenuation of battery in normal use is actually very low. As long as it is used according to the instructions, the natural attenuation of battery is within the controllable range, and it can almost be used for vehicle scrapping.

Second, the low-temperature activity of the battery is reduced:

The research data show that at 0℃, the capacity of Ferrous lithium phosphate power battery is only 88% of that at 25℃, which is 12% lower. The reason is that power batteries are basically lithium-ion batteries, and the activity of lithium-ion will decrease at low temperature, and the lower the temperature, the lower the activity.

Third, heating and air conditioning power consumption:

Electric vehicles run on power batteries. Apart from the controllable attenuation and activity reduction, the power consumption of heating and air conditioning can be said to be the biggest culprit in reducing the battery life of electric vehicles. Taking the actual measurement by netizens as an example, Han EV heating and air conditioning is used at about 0 degrees, about 4KW/ hour for the first hour and about 2KW/ hour for continuous use.

Understand the above concepts, and then look at the use of Han EV of Shanxi car owner "handsome brother", which is easy to understand.

Some media reported that the owner used heating and air conditioning when driving. This is understandable. In November, the average daily temperature in Shanxi is about 5 degrees. If you don’t turn on the air conditioner, your hands will be stiff.

There is another detail in the post of "Handsome Brother": "I took the car with full electricity at the end of October, and now I have rushed twice, driving a total of 744 kilometers. After reading the posting time, on November 27, everyone should understand.

According to the owner, he charged the battery three times in a month or so, with a total journey of 744 kilometers and an average battery life of 248 kilometers, which is really consistent with the last time he said that he only ran 230 kilometers.

However, I noticed another data: "handsome brother" traveled 744 kilometers a month, with an average of 24.8 kilometers a day. This data is not high, which represents the daily driving of the vast majority of car owners and is basically equivalent to the average daily driving of passenger car owners in China.

So low, judging that "handsome brother" should be an office worker, he goes to and from work every day, four times a day, driving for several kilometers at a time, and 80% is driving in the urban area.

According to the normal driving speed in urban areas, the average speed will generally not exceed 20km/h, that is to say, "Handsome Brother" ran 744km after three times of charging, and the driving time may be as high as 37 hours or more. According to the heating data of Han air conditioner provided by netizens, in the first hour, it consumes about 4KW per hour, and if it keeps driving, it consumes about 2KW/ per hour later.

"Handsome brother" always travels only 24.8 kilometers every day, and the air conditioner will not be turned on for a long time every time, that is, it is in the most power-consuming interval, 4KW/ hour.

The battery life of electric vehicles is calculated by the time, but the air conditioner is not calculated by the time. Han runs 230 kilometers with a full charge of 76KW, and it takes about 9 hours to run in the short distance in urban areas. Only the air conditioner consumes electricity, it will use up 36KW, and then subtract 5% of the battery balance of about 4KW, leaving 36KW for driving. According to the proportional calculation, the normal battery life should be about 286 km.

Because the heating and air conditioning use a lot of electricity, the battery life for real driving is only about 286 kilometers, and then the battery activity is reduced by 12% at a low temperature of about 0 degrees, which is about 250 kilometers, which is basically consistent with the actual measurement of "handsome brother".

At this point, the truth is clear. Whether it is Han EV, MODEL3 or Wuling, the reason why the measured battery life is more than half is not the battery attenuation or the battery activity reduction, but the hot air conditioner is turned on.

Write at the end:

The author has been paying attention to new energy vehicles for many years, and sincerely advises consumers who are going to buy cars. If you don’t have fixed parking spaces and charging piles, it is really not recommended to buy electric vehicles, even for the sake of licenses! If you insist on it, first of all, you will be unhappy and full of complaints. Secondly, it is also a negative harm to the development of new energy vehicles, harming others and yourself.

For car owners with fixed parking spaces and charging piles, it is not a big problem that the battery life is greatly reduced by turning on the air conditioner in winter. After all, the current electric car has a battery life of 500 to 600 kilometers. Even if the air conditioner is turned on all the time, the battery life is enough for most people.

In fact, if you have a fixed parking space and a charging pile, park your car in the garage every night, hang up the charging pile and go home to sleep. This is the correct way to turn on the electric car. If you are used to it, it is really more convenient than refueling. It takes a lot of time to go back and forth to the gas station. Under the current situation of urban traffic jams.

Easy car number author provides articles.

On December 17th, BYD "Qin" went public.

  On the evening of December 17, 2013, BYD’s new plug-in hybrid vehicle Qin was officially released in Beijing. The new car is available in flagship and distinguished models, with a minimum price of 189,800 yuan. As a vehicle driven by gasoline engine and battery, BYD-Qin hybrid mode has an acceleration time of 5.9 seconds, a top speed of 185 km/h and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 1.6L.

  Before the press conference, BYD also organized Qin’s track test activities, in which Qin’s best performance in 0-200 km acceleration was only 7.82 seconds.

  Qin continued the design of the previous concept car, which was bolder and sharper in the body lines, and chrome-plated decoration was added on both sides of the front bumper. The headlight group was equipped with LED daytime running lights and headlights with adjustable lenses. In addition, an oval fog lamp is added to the inside of the bumper. The taillight group is also very novel. In addition to the brand and model identification, there are special signs indicating the identity of its dual-mode electric vehicle.

  In terms of body size, the length/width/height of the car is 4740*1770*1480mm and the wheelbase is 2670mm, which is similar to BYD’s sharp figure.

  BYD Qin’s configuration is very high, and it comes standard with remote driving function. It also adds cloud service, which can realize remote control of vehicles through 3G signals. There are also panoramic images, seat ventilation+heating and even seat memory configurations. In terms of safety, Qin is equipped with 12 airbags in addition to active safety devices such as brake priority system (BOS), ABS+EBD, ESP and tire pressure detection system.

  Qin adopted BYD’s DM parallel mode dual-mode hybrid system, which can be driven by pure electric or gasoline+electric mode.

  The new car is equipped with a 1.5L in-cylinder direct injection+turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 113kw and a maximum torque of 240 N m. In addition, there is a motor with a rated power of 40kW and a maximum power of 110kW to match it. BYD Qin adopted a self-developed 6-speed DCT dual-clutch automatic gearbox in the transmission system.

  In addition, BYD also provides a six-year or 150,000-kilometer long warranty for the whole vehicle and a lifetime free warranty for batteries. The sincere after-sales service policy provides another reason for consumers to choose BYD Qin.

  BYD Qin, which was originally planned to die a month ago, was postponed to this day to cooperate with the introduction of new energy policy. According to the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles, the purchase of BYD Qin will enjoy 35,000 yuan of state subsidies and different degrees of local subsidies. It is estimated that the actual price of "Qin" will be less than 150,000 yuan in most cities. When buying BYD in Shenzhen, the lowest price after enjoying the subsidy is only 119,800 yuan.

The 2023 Top Ten News Selection of Listed Companies was officially launched [Voting Courtesy]


News selection of top ten listed companies

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11 December-22 December

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The new year is approaching, and the annual "Top Ten Listed Company News" selection of Securities Times E Company comes as scheduled. Vote and you will have a chance to take home the New Year gift package!

In 2023, China’s economy rebounded. As a "barometer" of macro-economy, the group of listed companies tells the story of China’s economic development in twists and turns with concrete and vivid business performance. Securities Times E Company has always adhered to the main position of reporting by listed companies, and is committed to providing valuable information to investors and bringing vivid and detailed company news stories to readers.

Looking back at the end of the year, what news of listed companies happened in 2023 that impressed you the most? What major events will be the most striking milestone in 2023 when China’s economy turns to a new stage of development?

Here, Securities Times E Company selects 18 pieces of news of listed companies and invites you to review the important stories of listed companies in 2023 and vote for "Top Ten News of Listed Companies in 2023".

01, the main board registration system, the first batch of 10 enterprises listed.

On April 10th, the A-share market officially ushered in the listing of the first batch of 10 companies registered on the main board. So far, all major sectors of the capital market, including the main board, Growth Enterprise Market, science and technology innovation board and Beijing Stock Exchange, have basically achieved the registration system, and China’s capital market has stood at a new starting point for high-quality development.

02. Evergrande Xu Jiayin was taken compulsory measures.

On September 28th, Xu Jiayin, the actual controller of Evergrande Group, was taken compulsory measures according to law, leaving China Evergrande with debts as high as 2 trillion yuan. From "the richest man" to suspected criminals, a number of "real estate bosses" represented by Xu Jiayin gradually declined, which indicates that the real estate industry in China is entering a new stage of development.

03, the first batch of forced delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board were released.

On July 7th, the delisting Amethyst and Delisted Zeda were delisted, becoming the first batch of compulsory delisting enterprises in science and technology innovation board. So far this year, 46 A-shares have been delisted, and the "face value retreat" generated by investors voting with their feet has gradually become the mainstream of delisting, and the delisting system is constantly playing the role of "purifier" in the market.

04. Huijin entered the market.

On October 11th, Huijin increased its holdings of ICBC, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China and China Construction Bank. The last time Huijin increased its holdings of the four major banks can be traced back to 2015, conveying a positive signal of stabilizing the capital market. Subsequently, Huijin announced the purchase of ETF to further directly support the market.

05. Zhang Jin, the actual controller of Cedar’s "non-smoking" case, was controlled.

On the afternoon of May 7, Huangpu District Branch of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau filed a case for investigation and punishment on the suspected illegal absorption of public deposits by subsidiaries of Cedar Holdings, and the actual controller Zhang Jin was under criminal control. Among the listed companies of Cedar, Qixiang Tengda has been decoupled in advance, and *ST Xuefa said that it remains independent in business. Cedar Holdings, with the aura of "Fortune 500" on its head, has repeatedly exploded events related to "self-integration", and several investigation reports of it by Securities Times have caused great repercussions.

06. A-share repurchase wave of 100 billion yuan

The wave of repurchase of A-share listed companies is constantly emerging, and all capitals work together to maintain market confidence. Since 2023, the number of companies that have issued repurchase plans (including multiple repurchases) has exceeded 1,600, a record high; The total amount of repurchase funds in progress throughout the year exceeded 100 billion yuan. At present, the "support" legion is still expanding.

07, Ant Group was fined 7.1 billion.

On July 7, the central bank announced that it would impose a fine of 7.123 billion yuan on Ant Group, requiring it to shut down its illegal "mutual treasure" business. Taking this as a node, most of the outstanding problems in the financial business of platform enterprises have been rectified, and the focus of financial management departments has shifted from promoting centralized rectification of financial business of platform enterprises to normal supervision.

08, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line Wang Chuanfu shed tears.

On August 9, BYD’s 5 millionth new energy vehicle officially rolled off the assembly line, becoming the first car company in the world to reach this milestone. Wang Chuanfu shed tears at the scene. He predicted that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China market will exceed 60% in 2025, and a number of respectable world-class brands will be born in China automobile industry. The prospect predicted by Wang Chuanfu is accelerating. Three months after the end of this activity, BYD announced that the company’s 6 millionth new energy vehicle was off the assembly line.

09. The shareholders of my music home were severely hammered for illegally reducing their holdings.

The era of "illegal reduction and self-punishment of three cups" has passed. On September 27th, Yu Fanyi and others, shareholders of Le Jia’s over-reduced shareholding, were severely punished by "no penalty", with a total amount of nearly 50 million yuan. In the same period, Xu Xiong, chairman of Oriental Fashion, who was involved in illegal reduction, was arrested. The "new regulations on reducing holdings" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 27th is reshaping the market ecology.

10. AVIC Electric Power Survey was reorganized into Chengfei Group.

The reform of state-owned enterprises continued to advance in 2023. On February 1st, AVIC announced that it planned to buy 100% equity of aviation industry Chengfei at a price of 17.442 billion yuan, which was the most eye-catching case this year. China’s most advanced fifth-generation fighter J -20 will land in A shares through this reorganization.

11. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Ford cooperated to build a factory in the United States.

On February 14th, Ford and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited reached an agreement that Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited would provide technical and service support for the production of Ford’s new lithium iron phosphate battery factory in the United States. China’s high-end manufacturing is accelerating to seize the global market, and the "new three" consisting of electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells leads foreign trade exports.

12. Dongfeng Motor cut prices on a large scale.

In March, Dongfeng Motor subsidized the price reduction on a large scale, and then this price reduction tide swept across the country, covering almost all mainstream brands, which effectively boosted the popularity of automobile consumption in a short period of time. The year 2023 is coming to an end, and it has become a mainstream consensus that the automobile industry will achieve the goal at the beginning of the year smoothly and even beyond expectations.

13. The "third arrow" of equity financing of housing enterprises will be launched again.

On June 16th, China Merchants Shekou announced that the reorganization of the company was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and on October 17th, it completed the listing of additional shares, becoming the first A-share real estate enterprise to successfully test the "third arrow". The equity financing channel of A-share housing enterprises has been reopened after many years of suspension, and the policies that are not suitable for the current real estate supply and demand situation are being gradually optimized.

14. Yao Zhenhua defeated Zhongju Gaoxin.

On July 19th, Yao Zhenhua, the chairman of Baoneng Group, screened the Internet. On this day, he went to the actually controlled Zhongju High-tech Research Institute but was turned away by the security guard. A few days later, Yao Zhenhua lost control of Zhongju Hi-tech, and was exposed to the embarrassing video of being beaten by unpaid employees. It is Wang Shi, an old rival, who supports Yao Zhenhua. "The mentality of the society on this matter is to eat melons and watch the fun. I feel sad."

15. The first case of Jingwei Textile Machinery’s A-share delisting without loss.

On August 29th, Jingwei Textile Machinery announced its voluntary delisting and delisted on October 26th, becoming the first listed company in A-share market to withdraw from the market without loss. Jingwei Textile Machinery did not clearly explain the reasons for the voluntary delisting, but the overdue payment of many products of its subsidiary Zhongrong Trust was worrying.

16, ask the new M7 released.

On September 12th, the new M7 developed by Huawei was listed, which won over 60,000 awards a month later, driving a series of concept stocks such as Cyrus to strengthen collectively. Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, said that he was "far ahead", which was constantly updated this autumn.

17. Zhejiang Guoxiang suspended the issuance.

On October 7, the Shanghai Stock Exchange urgently stopped Zhejiang Guoxiang IPO and carried out special verification. The company’s second IPO had attracted continuous media attention. Since 2023, there have been 213 companies that have terminated IPO review. The reform of the registration system is not to "let it go", but to fully consider China’s national conditions, credit environment and the development stage of the capital market, and strictly control the quality of listed companies.

18. Aolian Electronics "Perovskite God" was counterfeited.

High-profile teamed up with the "Perovskite Great God", but the fake "Great God" has a false resume. The stock price soared by 200%, and the final increase was completely smoothed out. The A-share market is waiting for the results of the investigation of Aolian Electronics by the regulatory authorities. Under the main tone of strengthening supervision in an all-round way, nearly 100 listed companies have been investigated by the CSRC this year. It is not empty talk to strengthen supervision in an all-round way and effectively prevent and resolve risks.

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Xiaomi Auto officially unveiled: Beiqi OEM, mass production in the first half of next year!

On November 15th, official website, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, released the contents of the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) and the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New Energy-using Vehicles with Vehicle and Vessel Tax Exemption (the 56th batch), among which two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars, which have attracted much attention from the market, were officially exposed for the first time.

According to the public information, the two cars exposed by Xiaomi this time are pure electric cars, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max/Pro respectively, the product trademark is "Xiaomi", and the manufacturer is Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the two cars are 4997mm, 1963mm and 1455mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is positioned as a C-class car.

In addition, the public information shows that the English LOGO with the tail labels "Beijing xiaomi" and "Xiaomi" are also displayed at the rear of the two cars.

In terms of power battery, SU7 is equipped with lithium iron phosphate battery, and the supplier is BYD’s Foday battery. The SU7 Max/Pro is equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s ternary lithium battery;

As for the motor, the motor of SU7 comes from United Automotive Electronics Co., Ltd., and the peak power of driving motor is 220kW. The motor on the SU7 Max/Pro comes from Suzhou Huichuan United Power System Co., Ltd., and there are two power options: 220kW and 275kW.

Although the manufacturers of the above two Xiaomi cars are all Beijing Automotive Group Off-road Vehicle Co., Ltd., the follow-up models of Xiaomi should be produced in their own factories. At present, Xiaomi’s automobile factory in Yizhuang, Beijing is under construction. Recently, there is market news that the construction of the project is divided into two stages. The first stage began in April 2022 and has begun to take shape.

In November, Xiaomi held a closed meeting in the park, and invited related enterprises from the mobile phone and automobile supply chain, including BAIC Group. Xiaomi said at the time that the first car of Xiaomi Automobile would be mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Now, with the real appearance of Xiaomi Automobile in the public list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, it is also announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and is expected to be mass-produced and listed in the first half of 2024 as planned.

According to Lei Jun’s plan, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile plans to sell 100,000 vehicles in the first year, and then deliver 900,000 vehicles in the next three years, "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024".

Editor: Xin Zhixun-Linzi