Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

The General Office of the State Council on deepening reform

Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry

Guoban Fa [2016] No. 58

The people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and all ministries, commissions, and agencies directly under the State Council:

  In order to implement the central government’s decision-making and deployment on comprehensively deepening reform, actively and steadily promote the reform of the taxi industry, encourage innovation, promote transformation, and better meet the travel needs of the people, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions are hereby proposed.

  I. Guiding ideology and basic principles

  (1) Guiding ideology. Deeply implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the series of important speeches by the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, in accordance with the overall layout of the "Five in One" and the "Four Comprehensive" strategic layout, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, give full play to the role of the market mechanism and the guiding role of the government, adhere to the basic idea of giving priority to the development of public transportation and moderately developing taxis, promote the structural reform of the taxi industry, effectively improve the service level and regulatory capacity, and strive to build a diversified and differentiated travel service system, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the taxi

  (2) Basic principles.

  Adhere to the passenger-oriented. Take ensuring the safe travel of passengers and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the people as the starting point and end point of reform, and provide the public with safe, convenient, comfortable and economical personalized travel services.

  Adhere to reform and innovation.Seize the favorable opportunity to implement the "Internet +" action, adhere to the problem orientation, promote the transformation and upgrading of cruise taxis, standardize the operation of online rental cars, and promote the integrated development of the two business models.

  Adhere to overall consideration. Coordinate public transportation and taxis, coordinate innovation and development with safety and stability, coordinate the development of new and old business models, coordinate the interests of passengers, drivers and enterprises, and promote reform step by step, actively and carefully.

  Adhere to legal norms. Correctly handle the relationship between the government and the market, strengthen the rule of law thinking, improve the legal system of the taxi industry, promote industry reform in accordance with the law, maintain a fair competition market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.

  Adhere to territorial management. The urban people’s government is the main body responsible for taxi management. It should give full play to autonomy and creativity, and explore a management model that is in line with the actual development of the local taxi industry.

  Second, clarify the positioning of the taxi industry

  (3) Scientifically positioning taxi services. Taxi is an integral part of the urban comprehensive transportation system, a supplement to urban public transportation, and provides personalized transportation services for the public.Taxi services mainly include cruises, online reservations, and other means.The urban people’s government should give priority to the development of public transportation, develop taxis moderately, and optimize the urban transportation structure.It is necessary to coordinate the development of cruise taxis (hereinafter referred to as cruise cars) and online rental cars (hereinafter referred to as online taxi-hailing), implement dislocation development and differentiated management, and provide quality and diverse transportation services for the public.It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of large, medium and small cities, the diverse travel needs of the public and the development orientation of taxis, comprehensively consider factors such as population size, economic development level, urban traffic congestion, and taxi mileage utilization rate, and rationally grasp the scale of taxi transportation capacity and the share ratio in the urban comprehensive transportation system. Establish a dynamic monitoring and adjustment mechanism to gradually realize market regulation. New and updated taxis, priority is given to the use of new energy vehicles.

  III. Deepening the reform of cruise vehicles

  (4) Reform the management system of the right to operate. All new rental car operating rights shall be subject to term restrictions, and no further indefinite restrictions shall be imposed. The specific period shall be determined by the city people’s government according to the actual local situation. All new rental car operating rights shall be used free of charge, and the operating entity shall not be changed. If the existing rental car operating rights need to be changed within the term, the modification procedures shall be handled in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated by laws and regulations, and no speculation or unauthorized transfer shall be allowed. For existing rental car operating rights that do not specify the specific operating period or have been used for compensation, the city people’s government shall comprehensively consider all factors, scientifically formulate a transition plan, reasonably determine the operating period, and gradually cancel the paid use fee. Establish and improve the operation rights allocation and management system guided by service quality and reputation, and withdraw the operation rights in accordance with relevant regulations if the period of operation rights expires or there are major service quality problems, major safety production liability accidents, serious illegal business activities, and unqualified service quality and reputation assessments during the operation process.

  (5) Completing the benefit distribution system. Taxi operators shall sign employment contracts or business contracts with drivers in accordance with the law. Contractors who adopt the contracting mode of operation and self-employed individuals who have obtained the right to operate shall obtain the qualification of taxi drivers, register for employment according to regulations and directly engage in operational activities. It is necessary to use Internet technology to better build a business model in which enterprises and drivers share operational risks and reasonably distribute benefits. Encourage, support and guide taxi enterprises, industry associations to negotiate on an equal footing with taxi drivers and trade unions, and reasonably determine and dynamically adjust the taxi contract fee standard or quota task according to factors such as operating costs and changes in freight rates. If the existing contract fee standard or quota task is too high, it should be reduced. It is necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers and build a harmonious labor relationship. It is strictly forbidden for taxi companies to charge high collateral from drivers, and the existing collateral should be reduced if it is too high.

  (6) Straighten out the price formation mechanism. All localities can implement government pricing or government-guided pricing for cruise car freight rates according to the actual situation in the region, and incorporate them into the government pricing catalogue according to law. Taking into account the operating costs of taxis, the income levels of residents and drivers, traffic conditions, service quality and other factors, scientifically formulate and timely adjust the level and structure of taxi freight rates. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for taxi freight rates, improve pricing rules, improve the linkage method between freight rates and fuel prices, and give full play to the leverage role of freight rates in adjusting the supply and demand relationship in the taxi transportation market.

  (7) Promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry.Encourage cruise car operators and online taxi booking operators (hereinafter referred to as ride-hailing platform companies) to implement corporatized management in accordance with modern enterprise systems through mergers, restructurings, and absorption of shares, so as to achieve the integrated development of new and old business models. Encourage cruise car enterprises to transform and provide online ride-hailing services. Encourage cruise cars to provide operation services through telecommunications, Internet and other e-hailing service methods, promote the use of non-cash payment methods that meet financial standards, expand service functions, and facilitate public ride-hailing.Encourage self-employed people to form a company with a certain scale, implement organizational management, improve service quality, reduce management costs, and enhance anti-risk ability. Encourage business operators to strengthen branding, take the initiative to disclose service standards and quality commitments, carry out safety, integrity, and high-quality service creation activities, strengthen service quality management, and provide high-quality services.

  IV. Standardize the development of online car-hailing and private passenger car sharing

  (Eight) standardize the development of online car-hailing.Online car-hailing platform companies are providers of transportation services, and should have online and offline service capabilities, assume carrier responsibility and corresponding social responsibility. Drivers and their vehicles providing online car-hailing services should meet the basic conditions for providing passenger transportation services. Market-adjusted prices are implemented for online car-hailing, and government-guided prices may be implemented if the city people’s government deems it necessary.

  (9) Regulate the business behavior of online car-hailing. Online car-hailing platform companies shall make full use of Internet information technology, strengthen the production, operation and management of service vehicles and drivers, and continuously improve the ride experience and service level. Provide operation services in accordance with relevant state regulations and standards, reasonably determine the metering method, ensure the safety of operation and the legitimate rights and interests of passengers, and shall not engage in improper price behavior. Strengthen network and information security protection, establish and improve data security management systems, collect, use and protect personal information in compliance with the law, and shall not disclose sensitive information involving national security. The personal information collected and the business data generated shall be stored and used in the Chinese mainland. Online car-hailing platform companies shall safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  (10) Regulate private passenger car sharing. Private passenger car sharing, also known as carpooling and ride-sharing, is a shared mode of travel where the ride-sharing service provider publishes travel information in advance, and people with the same travel route choose to take the ride-sharing service provider’s passenger car, share part of the travel cost or help each other for free. Private passenger car sharing is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution. City people’s governments should encourage and regulate its development, formulate corresponding regulations, and clarify the rights and obligations of the three parties, including the ride-sharing service provider, the ride-sharing person, and the ride-sharing information service platform.

  Create a good market environment

  (11) Improve service facilities. The urban people’s government shall incorporate comprehensive taxi service areas, stopping points, waiting berths and other service facilities into the urban infrastructure building plan, make overall and reasonable arrangements, conscientiously organize and implement them, and properly solve the actual difficulties of taxi drivers in parking, dining, toileting, etc. In airports, stations, docks, shopping malls, hospitals and other large public places and residential areas, cruise bus waiting areas shall be demarcated to facilitate taxi operations and better provide services for passengers to travel.

  (12) Strengthen the construction of the credit system. It is necessary to implement the service quality credit assessment system and the driver qualification management system, formulate taxi service standards, credit management systems for operators and employees, and clarify the basic requirements for operating in accordance with the law and providing honest services.Actively use the Internet, big data, cloud computing and other technologies to establish an evaluation system for taxi operators and drivers, strengthen the recording of information such as violations of laws and regulations, dishonesty, complaints and reports, and passenger service evaluations, as an important basis for taxi operators and employees to enter and exit, and incorporate it into the national credit information sharing platform and the national enterprise credit information publicity system.

  (13) Strengthen market supervision.It is necessary to innovate supervision methods, simplify licensing procedures, and implement online processing.It is necessary to disclose information such as the main body, quantity, mode of acquisition and change of operating rights of taxi operators, conduct regular taxi service quality assessments and release them to the public, and further improve the transparency of industry supervision. It is necessary to establish a joint supervision and law enforcement mechanism led by the government, with the participation of departments and the linkage of blocks, and a joint punishment and exit mechanism. It is necessary to establish and improve the supervision platform, strengthen the supervision of the whole process, investigate and punish the behavior of taxis that hinder fair competition in the market and price violations in accordance with the law, and severely crack down on illegal operations, gathering crowds to disrupt social order, or inciting organizations to disrupt the operation order and damage the public

  (14) Strengthen the construction of the legal system. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of laws, regulations and standards for the management and operation of taxis, clarify management responsibilities and legal responsibilities, standardize qualification conditions and business licenses, and form a relatively complete system of laws and regulations for the management of taxis, business services and market supervision.

  (15) Implement the main responsibility of the local people’s government. All localities should establish a reform leadership mechanism to strengthen the organization and leadership of deepening the reform of the taxi industry. It is necessary to formulate specific implementation plans, clarify work objectives, refine and decompose tasks, establish relevant departments, trade unions, industry associations and other multi-party joint working mechanisms, and steadily advance various reform tasks. It is necessary to strengthen social communication, smooth the channels for interest appeals, take the initiative to release information, respond to social concerns, build consensus on reform, and create a good public opinion environment. For major decisions in reform, it is necessary to carry out social stability threat and risk assessments, improve emergency plans, prevent and resolve various contradictions, and maintain social stability.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???   General Office of the State Council

 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? July 26, 2016

  (This article is published publicly.)

NIO makes mobile phones: The outside world does not understand, and the owner is crazy

Author | Cloud

"Besides NIO owners, who else would buy it?"

"Is it unreasonable for a brand that has just entered the mobile phone industry to sell for 6,899 yuan?"

"Is it meaningful to customize a mobile phone specifically for a car?"

As a car brand that continues to lose money and has not yet shown any signs of profitability, NIO’s mobile phone production is not news, but it has never been optimistic.

On September 21, after the official launch of NIO Phone, founder Li Bin was once again labeled as "not doing his job properly". He mentioned in an interview after the press conference that NIO’s mobile phone business team has as many as 500 people and invests 500 million yuan annually. The outside world’s skepticism about NIO’s business has reached its peak.

But NIO’s phone was robbed crazy by the owner. According to NIO co-founder and president Qin Lihong at the press conference,At present, the NIO mobile phone has been sold out without three-party channels, and the order is scheduled for December.

At least in the small circle of less than 400,000 NIO owners, the popularity of NIO Phone is not inferior to this year’s iPhone 15 series.

Obviously, making a mobile phone is another decision made by NIO after insisting on changing the battery and insisting on being a community. The outside world cannot understand it, and the car owner loves it.

Entertainment Capital

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At the industry level, the "necessity" of car companies to make mobile phones has also been verified to a certain extent. Just before the Huawei conference that just topped the chart, Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, also said on Weibo "spoiler" that Huawei and Avita jointly created Mate 60 Pro Avita Special Edition "is advancing rapidly".

Although Avita is a new car brand cooperated by Huawei, Ningde Times, and Changan Automobile, and "driver interconnection" is also Huawei’s strength, the trend of "making mobile phones for cars" has obviously been set off by NIO.

Zhang Junyi, a former managing partner of NIO Capital and a managing partner of Oliver Wyman, said:

"Li Bin’s work is good from a strategic perspective, but the matching of timing and funding is a matter of opinion, just like insisting on the power exchange model, the heavy operation of user companies, and the lack of investment in research and development. There are also many controversies, but the management of NIO still insists on doing it, and the user feedback is also very good."

What NIO and Li Bin do is often referred to as "business religion" – products and services are strongly bound, users are recruited with ideas, and users spontaneously expand.And is making a mobile phone a part of the realization of "doctrine" and the self-improvement of users, or is it a real and valuable enterprise decision?

The answer to this question lies in the hands of NIO’s owners.

NIO owner: You can buy it, it’s not too expensive

The biggest doubt about NIO’s mobile phones is that mobile phones are an industry where the annual shipments of mainstream brands are tens of millions, and the total number of NIO users is less than 400,000, of which 60% use iPhone – an ecological closed but complete product that is difficult to replace.

As a consultant in the new energy industry who owns Tesla, NIO, Ideal, Polaris, Volkswagen, and many other brands of electric vehicle products, and has worked in four car companies, Yiran was invited to participate in the NIO conference on September 21 and was one of the first contacts of NIO Phone.

At the same time, he is also one iPhone 60% of users, "For many users who already hold iPhone and Android, it may be easier to accept NIO phones, but I have only owned one phone for many years, and I am not willing to spend too much time managing the phone. So the process of NIO Phone becoming the second machine also needs to be adapted."

The reason why NIO’s NIO Phone is called the "Deluxe Edition Car Key" is because it enhances the experience unlike ordinary mobile phones, mainly focusing on the "UWB chip" and "SkyOS Tianshu" operating system standard on its new generation models.

Owners who use NIO Phone can unlock the vehicle more conveniently, stably and safely than other mobile phones, accurately locate the heating and ventilation massage control of each seat, and realize functions such as mobile phone doppelganger and application relay on the car. In addition, NIO also sets a separate vehicle control physical button for NIO Phone, which can call out the car control interface with one click.

Although most of the above features can be implemented by apps, using a NIO Phone is faster and smoother.

Although Yiran praised these features that NIO Phone can provide, he also made it clear that the biggest challenge for NIO to do mobile phone business lies in"Changing users’ past habits."

For example, in actual use, the NIO App has not even solved the problem of dual end point login. If "dual users" log in to the brand account on the NIO Phone, the account of their original device will be offline, which is not friendly for users who have just started using dual phones.

For core community users who know NIO as well as Yiran, buying a NIO Phone is almost a "painless decision."

It can be seen in the NIO App that the user needs 4,900 yuan to make NIO’s intelligent assistant "NOMI" have a movable entity, another in-car AR product set "N-Box Enhanced Entertainment Host" is worth 4,600 yuan, and the "Moon Theme" kit of the "Blackened" Logo is priced at 4,500 yuan…

In the product series of this "high-end brand", the mobile phone priced at 6,499 yuan is a highly technical and cost-effective product.

A few years ago, when Luo Yonghao was still making mobile phones, he once expressed the opinion that "domestic mobile phones are all assembled except Huawei". Li Bin also said similar words at the press conference, but was pointed out by some users who paid attention to the "machine circle". It is also an indisputable fact that the vast majority of mobile phone brands follow the R & D rhythm of core component manufacturers such as Qualcomm and MediaTek to release products.

Zhang Junyi said that most mobile phone companies do not control the whole process by themselves, but the expectations of NIO users for NIO Phone are a "NIO phone", not a "NIO joint Android phone", although the first generation of mobile phones may not be sound and complete, but also reflects some of Li Bin’s ideas in user experience and technological innovation.

As a "super atypical NIO owner" – due to frequent business trips, the annual driving mileage of NIO is only more than 100 kilometers. Zhang Junyi has a stronger sense of the owner’s rights and ecological experience provided by NIO. "I believe that many people will choose NIO Phone based on ecology." Similarly, when Huawei and Porsche designed a joint name, many users who purchased related products were not Porsche owners, but they were also inspired by brand power to place orders.

In his opinion, as a portable social tool, the current pricing of NIO Phone is not "thrilling", and the mobile phone can also be used as a wearable device – such as the bracelet mentioned by management at the press conference, and the central existence of AR glasses that have been "in the car", "this is an ecosystem".

Due to the high-end brand positioning, many of NIO’s core users, like Yiran and Zhang Junyi, see things more from an "ecological" perspective and are less sensitive to price. Therefore, they have a smoother acceptance of NIO Phone.

But for the "silent majority" and some "swing users", "wait and see" is normal. Holding a Huawei Mate 40 Pro, the big reason (pseudonym) for the NIO brand has always maintained a "distant" relationship:

Does not care about the brand conference, the information update mainly from the owner group Fellow (service specialist), but recognized the service value of NIO, two years ago purchased the most top NIO models – plus "worry-free service" and "worry-free insurance" NIO ES8, priced at more than 600,000 yuan, when his other option is not yet domestic BMW X5, priced at about 700,000 yuan.

Da Zai is a representative of another type of car owner of NIO. They are "early adopter pioneer users" in second-tier cities, but they are not as strongly bound to the brand as NIO core users and are keen to recommend NIO to people around them. One of his friends was recommended by him to buy the NIO ES6, but in the end, because he was not used to the tram, he was persuaded to return to the oil car by battery life anxiety. Da Zai said:

"I feel okay with the car, the power change is very good, and I’m not worried about NIO going out of business, but I won’t recommend it to my friends again. As for the phone, I’ll consider it."

NIO is also "performance maximization through business collaboration", will Li Bin become the next Jia Yueting?

When it comes to NIO’s mobile phone layout, Zhang Junyi and Yiran both mentioned "ecology" and "security".

At present, there are three models of "Driver Connect".

One is the "Huawei Smart Choice" model:

Huawei does not directly build cars, but enters the "light asset" in charge of car design, research and development, and manages production to a certain extent. The Huawei Wenjie brand is a product of this model. The Wenjie model directly adopts the "Hongmeng" car machine, which can be highly interconnected with Huawei mobile phones. Avita, which belongs to the "HI (Huawei Inside) model", can also obtain similar capabilities and will launch a customized version of the mobile phone.

The second is the "Geely-Star Meizu" mode:

Geely Group through the acquisition of Meizu brand, using its mobile phone research and development capabilities to upgrade the car machine to empower, according to user and media feedback, the former car machine system has been greatly improved after Meizu intervention, Meizu mobile phone and Geely’s Lynk and Krypton brand interaction, has also approached the level of Huawei Hongmeng system.

The third is the "Driver in One" mode pioneered by NIO:

The mobile phone is completely led by the car OEM, and the brand is also consistent, so that the mobile phone can be customized to meet the needs of the intelligent car. It is foreseeable that if Xiaomi succeeds in building a car, MIUI will also realize the deep interaction between the car and the mobile phone. As the author of "Musk the Martian", Yiran said that Tesla is also likely to promote its own mobile phone business. At that time, Musk will further open up the content platform (X), portable smart end point and smart car end point, as well as the software ecosystem of Unicom.

But before these players who have landed or "seem reliable", LeTV was the first to come up with a "performance maximization through business collaboration" plan, and at the same time promote various smart end points and car manufacturing businesses. Therefore, after NIO’s decision to make mobile phones came out, there have been voices linking Li Bin with Jia Yueting, who has never returned to China.

But Li Bin himself obviously does not agree with such a judgment. After the press conference, he not only mentioned that the threshold for mobile phones is "not that high", but also regarded mobile phones as an easier business than cars. In short, NIO’s mobile phone is "high and low".

According to Yiran, NIO has discussed cooperation with some mainstream mobile phone manufacturers. But both sides have very important considerations for user experience, data security and channel interests, and it is difficult to coordinate. In the end, NIO decided to do it himself.

Specifically, at the executive level, NIO recruited Meitu Mobile Phone President Yin Shuijun and a group of executives under his command, and established a mobile phone team of about 500 people, investing 500 million yuan annually to share R & D resources with the car and machine.

In his opinion, the higher the brand positioning, the more stringent the user’s requirements for data security and user privacy will be, but a smooth experience requires data to get through, so NIO must be the safest to do it by itself."Of course, NIO’s mobile phone user scale is only a few tens of thousands of people, this business is destined to lose money, equal to the user experience blood transfusion."

Zhang Junyi, who had in-depth communication with Li Bin in the early days of NIO’s startup, mentioned that even though there are not many users of the brand at present, Li Bin, as an entrepreneur who studied sociology, "has an ideal social practice" – he hopes to use good service to attract customers, so that existing customers can influence and attract new customers. "This is the original intention of NIO that has not changed. They are dedicated to doing good for users, impressing users with sincerity and care, and forming a positive energy community."

It is worth mentioning that, despite the extensive discussion on the NIO Phone, the press conference on September 21 was not dedicated to this "water testing" product, but a conference that comprehensively introduced the research results of NIO technology and was named "NIO IN".

Hoping to promote the inherent and R & D strength of the NIO brand to users, NIO’s self-developed lidar main control chip "Yang Jian" was also launched, which is another product of NIO’s "From 0 to 1".

It is understood that there are many voices inside and outside NIO suggesting that brands should communicate and tell stories at the technical level to "justify" the high R & D expenses in the financial report – they are spent on self-developed motors, batteries, chips and many other core components. If successful, it will build a deeper moat for the brand and help NIO cope with the "knockout" of the new energy market in the next decade.

Conclusion: After mobile phones, car companies have to sell cars

NIO is the target of many new car brands.

Geely’s polar krypton brand almost replicates NIO in marketing and user operation, and also uses a lot of NIO talents; other brands cannot avoid NIO’s methodology when doing community and service; China’s power exchange system, starting from NIO, currently SAIC, BYD and other large groups are also trying to join.

But for the time being, no car company will fully apply the "NIO solution", and the reason is also very simple:

As an independent car company, it has been in business for ten years and has sold nearly 400,000 cars, but there is no sign of profitability, and there are often "religious brand communication" that "I don’t understand it outside the circle, but I love it inside the circle". Public opinion is polarized.

Compared with the ideal, NIO’s sales are climbing too slowly. The "throne" that used to be the "highest-end new energy brand" is almost untenable after the launch of BYD’s "Look Up" brand. The service system that once made NIO proud has also deteriorated in the process of further user growth.

Li Bin mentioned several times before and after the press conference that although business expansion is within control, NIO’s organizational and management capabilities do have shortcomings that need to be filled.

A NIO internal staff responsible for technology-related work said that for the mobile phone business, he held a "unclear and uncertain" state, and he was noncommittal about Li Bin’s decision to invest heavily in mobile phones because it was too far from his work.

He Xiaopeng once asked someone to give Li Bin a message, advising him to invest cautiously and spend cautiously. The former "learned from the pain" after the pricing turmoil of G9, revolutionized the organizational structure, reduced the price of the product, and the sales volume recovered immediately. Only then did the advantages of intelligent driving technology that had been heavily invested in really begin to take effect.

However, people who are familiar with Li Bin and care about NIO often highly appreciate the founder’s strategic vision, which is in sharp contrast to the lack of understanding from the outside world and the unattractive figures on the financial report.

Perhaps, the distance from strategy to tactics, from thinking to landing, is the distance between the vision of the NIO brand and the reality of making money back. The NIO Phone will not crush NIO, but it will not make NIO "one step to the sky."

Qin Lihong once said that NIO’s current heavy investment is "paying tuition fees", but in China, "getting grades" is sometimes more important than "having a process". In addition to "ecology", another consensus between Yiran and Zhang Junyi is:

Selling more cars is the most important thing for NIO.

Behind Wang Jianlin’s "100 million small goal": the Chinese class is increasingly solidified

  "First set a small goal that can be achieved, for example, I will earn 100 million yuan first." Recently, Wang Jianlin’s public remarks have been widely circulated among the general public, and many people have made fun of themselves.

  Although Wang Jianlin’s remarks have their context, which can make the sentence seem less abrupt. But the "Matthew Effect" behind this sentence reflects the "Matthew Effect" of China’s class solidification and the rich getting richer will continue to play out in the future.

  First of all, from the perspective of Wang Jianlin, as the richest man in China in 2015, he will earn 100 million as a "small goal", which is confident: Statistics show that Wanda Group’s income in the first half of 2016 was 119.93 billion yuan (Wanda general merchandise is Wang Jianlin’s personal company, and the income is not included in Wanda Group), which means that Wanda Group’s daily operating income is about 6 billion yuan. The class A share listed company Wanda Cinema had an operating income of 5.722 billion yuan and a net profit of 805 million yuan in the first half.

  As one of the largest real estate-oriented integrated enterprises in China, Wanda Group’s profit-making effect is highlighted under the advantages of industry and scale. However, for most small and medium-sized enterprises, and even many class A share listed companies, under the trend of China’s economy gradually entering low growth, life is not so good.

  Taking the 2015 annual report of listed companies as an example, there are more than 300 15 million profits within one year, more than 10% of the total number of listed companies. What is the concept of 15 million? You can only buy a real estate in the main urban area of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. If you look at non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises, the situation may not be so good. In the past few years, foreign trade enterprises in coastal areas have closed down one after another due to the slowdown in exports. Since last year, due to the skyrocketing housing prices in hot cities, many manufacturing enterprises have been squeezed out. It can be said that with the increasing downward pressure on China’s economy in recent years, the days of Chinese enterprises, especially the manufacturing industry, have not been easy. Recently, there have even been many owners of manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen and Dongguan. When the enterprises encountered difficulties, they lamented that they should have bought

  Correspondingly, the new loans of enterprises shrank sharply in July this year. Among the 463.60 billion yuan of new RMB loans in the Financial Institution Group in July, corporate loans did not increase, but decreased by 2.60 billion yuan, a sharp decrease of 611.40 billion yuan month-on-month. This is only the second time in history that new loans of enterprises are negative. The last time was in July 2005 ten years ago.

  Without a doubt, this shows that the real economy is withering, enterprises are reluctant to lend, and profitability and solvency are quite difficult. The marketization of the financial system determines their inevitable choice. Either the enterprise dies or they voluntarily close the enterprise, and the demand for funds falls off a cliff. Once confidence collapses, even if the banks are willing to lend, the enterprises are not willing to take it.

  At the same time, companies with deep pockets such as Baoneng and Hengda are snapping up equity and capital operations everywhere, and every carnival of financial assets has benefited them a lot.

  The strong and the weak are the epitome of the current Chinese economy. At the same time, the widening wealth and resource differentiation between the rich and the general class reflects the increasing solidification of the Chinese class.

  Wanda’s huge annual income has inflated the wealth of Wang Jianlin and his son, and a similar situation is also reflected in other wealthy people. According to statistics, the number of billionaires in China is as high as 67,000, surpassing the United States in the global rich list and making it the country with the most billionaires in the world.

  At this time, in 2015, the per capita disposable income of Chinese residents was only 21,966 yuan, and the per capita GDP was only 50,000 yuan. In addition, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s social Gini coefficient was 0.462 in 2015, while the internationally recognized gap between the rich and the poor was 0.4 (the Gini coefficient is an important indicator used internationally to measure the difference in income distribution between residents. Only about 10% of countries in the world exceed 0.5, and the Gini coefficient in developed countries is generally between 0.24 and 0.36).

  In addition, in recent years, with the increasing downward pressure on the Chinese economy and the continuous release of liquidity by the central bank, the RMB has been weakening, and the depreciation pressure is not small. At this time, the rich class of high net worth can protect themselves from the impact of exchange rate and other risk factors through overseas asset allocation; but the low net worth people, that is, the "poor", seem to have little protection against risk factors such as currency devaluation.

  In terms of domestic investment channels, the public can only choose stocks, bank wealth management and other channels, so the valuation of class A shares has been high, while bank deposits and wealth management products are completely "wedding clothes" for the wealth appreciation of the rich, because a large number of bank wealth management funds flow to financial marekt structured products.

  Yan Hao, the son of Yan Jiehe, an entrepreneur who was once China’s richest man, said recently that China has now bid farewell to the era of "sudden wealth". Indeed, as economic growth gradually stabilizes and all industries and fields are touched, "sudden wealth" situations are difficult to occur as frequently as in the decades before the reform and opening up, which is also a characteristic of the country entering a mature stage.

  However, there is something else to be said about Yan Hao’s words: the current poor are less likely to become rich in the future. It is difficult to predict to what extent, but if a person can no longer live a relatively satisfactory life by virtue of knowledge and hard work, and the theory that school is useless, struggle is useless, and "fighting father" is king are frequently verified, then the negative effects of class solidification will appear, and the consequences will be unimaginable, and they may even fall into the Latin American-style middle-income trap.

  Class solidification, followed by a lack of vitality in China, which should be the vast majority of people do not want to see.

In terms of price, Sina quoted in May that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i had 111,800 new cars nationwide.

Many consumers think that the cost of buying a car plus the cost of maintaining a car every year is really a lot of money, but now taxi software is so popular that it is convenient and cheap to take a car, and it is not practical to buy a car. However, in bad weather such as cold or hot, carrying a heavy shopping bag or dragging a huge suitcase, or when the driver is in an emergency, he will feel the pain of waiting. Although cars are consumables, and even the rate of preservation is not high, there is no denying that owning a car of your own can really bring great convenience to life, such as going to go on road trip.

Today, we will take a look at the new car BYD Qin PLUS DM-i, including the design, rough interior, high and low performance, etc. Presumably, small owners have dived into major forums and dug countless evaluation videos, so there is no need to go into details in small series. Now, our focus is on the transaction price, discount, sales volume and value preservation of Qin PLUS DM-i, so as to help small owners who are basically targeting and waiting for the opportunity to start more comprehensively.

BYD Qin PLUS DM-i achieved a maximum discount of 95,900% on the transaction price in the past month, with the highest cash drop of RMB 4,800, and the national sales of new cars starting from RMB 125,900. The point price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

The figure below shows the sales data of BYD Qin Plus DM-I. The national sales volume in the last month was 13,443 vehicles. I wonder if BYD is still satisfied with this achievement. Most people will follow the sales volume when buying a car, which is the main basis for most people to judge whether a car is good or not without in-depth understanding of a car. Although it is not accurate, it is not groundless, but if you have higher requirements for car selection, you need to make more efforts to fully understand it.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at the word-of-mouth score of BYD Qin plus DM-I. The comprehensive score of BYD Qin PLUS DM-i is 4.75, and the result is not bad, so BYD Qin PLUS DM-i can be considered.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Qin PLUS DM-i is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of competing products of BYD Qin Plus DM-I. Among the following competing products, the Roewe ei6 MAX sold the most last month, with 662 cars. There is always one car for you.

If the price of Qin PLUS DM-i is suitable recently, then friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

BYD Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition went on sale at the peak, with a price of 189,800 ~ 289,800 yuan.

On May 18th, 2023, BYD’s brand-new Han DM series peaked. Among them, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three innovations: color, chassis and experience, and a 200km pure battery life version is launched, which will completely subvert the mainstream B sedan market! At the same time, BYD’s first mass-produced and modified super hybrid coupe, the Chinese DM-p Ares version, is amazing. With its triathlon of concept, temperament and strength, it meets the individual needs of users in multiple dimensions!

This time, among the two models of Han DM series with comprehensive and advanced product strength, the price range of Han DM-i Champion Edition is 189,800 yuan ~ 249,800 yuan, and the price of Han DM-p Ares Edition is 289,800 yuan. In addition, the new Han DM series also provides users with five major online services of Zhilian, five exclusive VIP services and two worry-free car purchase policies.

Subverting the mainstream B sedan market, Han DM-i Champion Edition is superior in strength.
Under the new energy east wind, the brand of China has risen strongly. With the strength of hard-core products, Han DM-i has rapidly increased its quantity, fully occupied more than 200,000 mid-to-high-end car markets, and gradually grasped the market dominance. Nowadays, the brand-new Han DM-i Champion Edition adheres to the market strategy of "the same price for oil and electricity", takes advantage of the situation, advances strategically within 200,000 yuan, and carries out subversion to the end!

Han DM-i Champion Edition is equipped with DM-i super hybrid technology, which has six advantages of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth, green and luxurious". Its fuel consumption is only 4.2L/100km in the state of power loss, and it can be used for oil and electricity, and its comprehensive cruising range can reach 1260km. At the same time, it has the policy advantages of library-level quietness, infinite driving experience close to pure electricity, and green brand without purchase tax. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition has created a luxurious and comfortable space, super intelligence, and luxury is not limited, leading more than one generation!
Continuing the foundation of success, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes with three great rejuvenation! In terms of color, it launched a brand-new glacier blue car color, using BASF’s two core material technologies, which made the color appear metallic fluidity, and the visual effect was light and pure, which vividly set off the beauty of overseas fashion design. On the chassis, FSD variable damping suspension system and aluminum alloy multi-link are standard. The perfect combination of them enables it to flexibly adapt to complex and diverse road conditions, bring comfortable riding experience and enhance the driving pleasure of the vehicle. Most notably, some models of Han DM-i Champion Edition can be equipped with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (the hardware has been installed, and OTA will be upgraded this year). Yunqi -C is perfectly compatible with comfort and handling, bringing subversive improvement to the driving experience.

In terms of configuration, Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with NFC car keys, which supports Android and Apple devices, greatly improving the convenience of car use. At the same time, BSD blind spot monitoring and W-HUD head-up display are two major configurations: "getting on the bus", active safety is strengthened, and technology is used to escort travel. In addition, the Han DM-i Champion Edition comes standard with ten core high-end configurations, which are high at the beginning and lead from the inside out, setting a new benchmark for the value of B-class cars!

In order to further meet the higher-level travel needs of elite groups in big cities, Han DM-i Champion Edition has newly launched a 200km pure electric endurance version to create a "5+2+N" full-scene car experience. 5-day daily commute, 200km long pure battery life to easily cope with the intensity of work; Two days holiday travel, the comprehensive endurance of 1260km greatly improves the length of travel; After reaching the destination, the external discharge of up to 6kW can bring n possibilities and expand the width of life indefinitely. The 200km version of the champion version of Han DM-i has achieved a ceiling of 250,000, and achieved the experience subversion of the generation difference with the flagship quality.

The first mass-produced modified super hybrid coupe, Han DM-p Ares Edition highlights the flagship nature.
At the same time, in order to further respond to the market demand and meet the needs of personalized users, Han DM series has newly launched Han DM-p Ares Edition! The new car pays tribute to Huo Qubing, the God of War, and draws inspiration from the famous sentence of Xin Qiji’s famous work "Never Meet Le Jingkou Beigu Pavilion Nostalgia", "Think of that year, Jin Ge Tiema swallowed Wan Li like a tiger", in the name of God of War, conveying China’s self-confidence and China’s strength.

In terms of color, the armor is inspired by the mysterious black color matching, and BASF third-generation black paint is used. The deep black is delicate and shimmering, which has a strong visual impact! Appearance, Han DM-p Ares Edition adopts a series of blackened appearance kits, including blackened sports wheels, matte black logo, black metal triangular windows and frames, etc., which makes the appearance of the whole vehicle more performance-oriented and highlights the hard-core strength.
The interior of the DM-p Ares Edition of Han Dynasty has added a series of sports elements and high-grade materials, such as extremely black high-grade suede-coated seats, door panels, passenger side panels, central control armrest boxes, etc., supplemented by black carbon fiber materials, and equipped with integrated sports seats and golden yellow seat belts. The interior of the whole vehicle has been upgraded in sports sense, which complements the individual appearance and the inspired color matching of armor.

In addition to the design highlights, the new car is equipped with DM-p hybrid technology, which has completely surpassed the mechanical four-wheel drive in four dimensions: power, safety, difficulty relief and energy consumption. Under the blessing of DM-p king’s hybrid, the Chinese DM-p Ares version has four characteristics: fast running, good braking, steady walking and far walking. Its peak horsepower is 580Ps, the maximum torque is as high as 822N·m, and the fastest acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 3.7s! At the same time, the golden yellow high-performance four-piston fixed pliers can escort the ultimate performance output. In addition, in terms of energy efficiency, it can be powered by oil. Under NEDC working conditions, the battery life is 200km, the fuel consumption is only 5.2L, and the comprehensive battery life is 1120km.

At the same time, BYD’s latest safety technology, Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system (hardware has been installed and upgraded by OTA this year), will also be installed on the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition, which has the technical advantages of extreme experience and extreme safety, and can make the Chinese DM-p Ares Edition realize the perfect combination of safety and handling, so as to achieve a "luxurious and leapfrog new experience".
As a super hybrid coupe modified by mass production, the Han DM-p Ares Edition is a perfect interpretation of China’s luxury performance coupe with the combination of three ip’s: DM-p King Hybrid, Yunqi -C and Ares Design!

For a long time, the auto market has always had the saying that "the person who wins the B sedan wins the world", and the B sedan market is regarded as the best stage for all auto companies to show their brand strength and product strength. Han DM-i Champion Edition and Han DM-p Ares Edition form a strong Chinese ip, which combines the two swords to break the monopoly of joint venture brands. The sword refers to the mainstream B-class sedan market champion! (Zou Zhengmao)

When will the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity stop when Yang li Ping Dance Company dances "Subject III"?

3.jpg, the star of criticism.

□ Xu Jinglan (Chongqing University)

Recently, the Yang li Ping Dance Company and the Russian Royal Dance Company danced "Subject III", which once again pushed this dance to the forefront, and triggered a heated discussion among the public about the boundaries between dance art and culture. Many netizens have previously said that "Yang li Ping’s jumping subject three is my biggest bottom line". However, Yang li Ping’s team really jumped up "Subject 3" at the curtain call recently.

With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, the dance of "Kemusan" quickly became popular in the Haidilao incident, and its easy-to-understand characteristics undoubtedly attracted a large number of audiences. However, the popularity of this "vulgar" culture has also triggered in-depth discussions on artistic value and connotation. Many people question whether a professional art team like Yang li Ping should take part in such a "popular" performance, which is considered to be detrimental to the elegance and depth of art.

The debate between refined culture and popular culture is not a new topic, it reflects the society’s pluralistic cognition of art and culture. On the one hand, we can’t ignore the powerful influence and attraction of "vulgar" culture in mass communication. Popular cultural phenomena such as Phoenix Legend’s Divine Comedy in Square Dance, with its grounded language, cheerful melody and easy-to-imitate movements, have successfully crossed the boundaries of age, region and social class and won the love and pursuit of the general public. This feature of being close to the people and entertaining makes the "vulgar" culture spread and popularize rapidly and become an indispensable part of people’s daily life.

However, on the other hand, we should also be soberly aware that those enduring cultural treasures often contain profound connotations and far-reaching significance. These cultural forms may be classical literature, traditional art, philosophical thoughts or historical heritage. They have undergone the baptism of time and the precipitation of history, bearing the crystallization of human wisdom and the richness and diversity of the spiritual world. These cultural treasures are not only our cultural heritage, but also important resources for us to understand ourselves, explore the world, improve our literacy and enlighten our thinking.

The evaluation of art and culture should not only stay on the superficial distinction between elegance and vulgarity. Every cultural form has its own value and significance. Whether it is elegant art or popular entertainment, it may touch people’s emotions at some level, lead to thinking or bring fun. In recent years, with the rise of "fast-paced culture", people’s stay for works of art is shorter, and magical works of art occupy our eyes. However, this does not mean that the value of depth and connotation in art and culture has been weakened. On the contrary, the existence of fast-paced culture highlights people’s desire for instant satisfaction and relaxed entertainment, which is an important embodiment of the diversity of art and culture.

We need a more open and inclusive attitude in the face of the controversy over cultural elegance and vulgarity. The development of art and culture should be a process of multiple coexistence and mutual influence. Professional art teams try different performance forms, including the so-called "vulgar" culture, which may provide new inspiration and perspective for artistic innovation, and at the same time attract public attention to artistic works. At the same time, we should also encourage and support those cultural creations with profound meaning and connotation, so as to enrich our spiritual life and social and cultural landscape.

The phenomenon that "the world is a huge subject three" reminds us that no matter who jumps into "subject three", in this era of information explosion, we encourage artists and creators to explore and try different art forms and expressions bravely, and at the same time, we should create more and better works that people like. We should also face and evaluate art and culture with an open and inclusive attitude, so as to jointly promote the progress and development of human spiritual civilization.

[Video] Eye-catching mobile porn sites are desperate

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Affordable Volvo XC90 is listed! Full-time four-wheel drive, 2.0T hybrid +8AT, tall and mighty only 220,000.

Recently, a medium-sized and large SUV was officially launched at the Beijing Auto Show. This new car is also a large SUV that I particularly liked in the past. It has excellent mechanical literacy and the price is really cheap now. This model is the Lectra 09. The global version of the four-wheel drive is listed this time.

The guide price of this Lexus 09 is 265,800 yuan, and the manufacturer directly gives the price of 235,800 yuan, and there is still a subsidy of about 10,000 yuan at the terminal. The price of bare cars that can basically be sold is 225,800 yuan.

The advantages of the new car are actually very many. The first is the power system, which is equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing system and matches the eight-speed automatic manual transmission. More importantly, this Lectra 09 matches the central differential, full-time four-wheel drive, and adopts the front double wishbone independent suspension and the rear multi-link independent suspension system like BMW. The handling properties and mechanical literacy are in place, which is also the main reason why I liked this new car at first. In addition, the new car also has six driving modes, such as off-road, snow, strong dynamic performance, plus hard-core four-wheel drive, which can be very anti-skid

Although the appearance design is tall and powerful, it also has some shortcomings, which is also the main reason why I gave up this new car. As far as the appearance is concerned, the domineering shape is full of masculinity, the all-black appearance shows domineering, the hidden electric door handle, the 19-inch petal-shaped wheel hub and the four exhaust pipes, so the face value can definitely be beaten. In the body data section, the length, width and height of this Lectra 09 are 5042/1977/1780mm and the wheelbase is 2984mm, which is a seven-seat SUV.

The internal design has also been greatly upgraded. In addition to the two screens we saw, the new car has actually upgraded the chip of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 on the new model, and compared with the previous model, it has more Lectra OS N design. The 5G network signal adopted by the new car has active noise reduction function and remote control of the mobile phone, and it is also equipped with L2-level intelligent assisted driving system as standard in the whole system. There are only two kinds of maps: Gaode and Baidu. Automatic parking in place, automatic lane change assistance is readily available. Bluetooth key, card key and panoramic sunroof can be opened, which are also standard in the whole system. In addition, even the seats are equipped with heating, ventilation, massage, memory and boss buttons, and the global version of our four-wheel drive is also available.

So what’s wrong with this Lexus 09? From all aspects, it is actually perfect, with good price, domineering appearance and high intelligence. Why don’t many consumers buy it? The main reason is that it is very similar to the shortcomings of Volvo’s SUV, for example, the space inside the car is very small, and the mute effect inside the car is also very general. In fact, it is understandable, because this Lectra 09 and Volvo XC90 are the same chassis, and their advantages and disadvantages are basically the same.

Huawei terminals attended the China Mobile Global Partner Conference, and all the new products in the whole scene were exhibited.

    From October 11th to 13th, 2023, the 2023 China Mobile Global Partner Conference and the 11th China Mobile Global Partner Conference were held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo, China. During the exhibition, Huawei terminals brought a variety of products to participate in the exhibition, allowing participants to deeply experience the latest products of Huawei terminals.

    Recently, Huawei Terminal has released the new M7 and Mate60 series in three key areas, namely, new energy vehicles, mobile phones and full-scene smart life, which has boosted the rapid development of the industry.

    At this exhibition, Huawei Terminal brought flagship new products, sports health, government-enterprise solutions, smart home and new M7 in the world to the exhibition. The site is divided into five sections: 1+8 exhibition area, sports health, smart home, terminal government and enterprise, and the new M7 test drive. Huawei also won two awards from China Mobile, the Best Terminal Partner Award and the Most Popular Product Award.

    Mate60 series single ride

    According to the supply chain news, as of the end of September, the sales of Huawei Mate 60 Pro and Mate 60 have exceeded 1.1 million units. At present, the industry is optimistic about the future performance of Mate series.

    The impact of Huawei terminals on the industry lies not only in the market, but also in the continuous sales of Huawei Mate60 series, which has a greater impact on the domestic supply chain. Enterprises such as optics, panels and structural parts are accelerating production to meet the market demand of Huawei Mate60 series.

    Huawei Terminal and China Mobile have always maintained close cooperation, with a high degree of cooperation in the fields of mobile phones, wearables, routers and other products, consumers and businesses, as well as number card business and consumer stickiness. This time, Huawei’s terminal exhibition area also has a terminal government and enterprise area for the live audience to experience, and continue to empower the industry in the field of secure instant messaging with partners.

    Ask the new M7 to turn the tide.

    As the star SKU of Huawei’s smart car selection, Wenjie New M7 has recently ushered in an upgrade and change. After listing, it has become the top stream in the recent auto market with its excellent product strength. The data shows that since its release on September 12th, the cumulative quantity of the new M7 has exceeded 50,000 vehicles.

    Huawei’s smart car selection, especially the series of cars in the world, has experienced a low period, which is basically in line with the current situation of the domestic new energy vehicle market. Often, the technical upgrade of new models is obvious, and then they set sail in a high profile at the initial stage of listing. However, due to the rapid technical upgrade of the industry, as more brands of new products come out one after another, the result will be a rapid suppression of old models, which will lead to the weakness of the latter, and the impact will be to force major brands to continue to invest heavily to ensure the technological leadership of new cars.

    The upgrade of the product strength of the new M7 in the world and the "increasing the quantity without increasing the price" brought by the high cost performance are also the main reasons for detonating the market. At the conference site, Huawei Terminal also set up a new M7 test drive exhibition area for customers with test drive needs to test drive. It is reported that Huawei’s deeply empowered products, such as M9 and S7, will also be available.

   Full scene, new products landing, efficient ecological experience

    This time, Huawei Terminal also moved almost all the new products from the autumn full-scene conference to the exhibition site, so the audience can experience the new products of Huawei Terminal in the first time. Huawei terminals have always had a clear category positioning for each business line, and at the same time, they have also planned more carefully in ecological positioning, further consolidating the ecological moat.

    Huawei MatePad Pro 13.2 inches has a stronger office atmosphere. The new PC-level WPS Office, combined with HarmonyOS intelligent interaction, brings a better PC-level office experience, and realizes the document synchronization between PC and mobile phone for the first time; Huawei WATCH ULTIMATE DESIGN Extraordinary Master Smart Watch is Huawei’s new interpretation of luxury industrial products. As Huawei’s first gold smart watch, this product has made another breakthrough in material technology, blending 18K precious gold for the first time; Huawei FreeBuds Pro 3 TWS headphones use the star flash technology, which improves the physical bandwidth by 4 times and the anti-interference ability by 2 times. Based on the new L2HC 3.0 protocol, it can realize lossless transmission of 1.5Mbps audio and bring lossless sound quality with super CD quality.

    Huawei’s terminal’s understanding of new products in the whole scene, while fully putting cutting-edge innovative technologies into product strength, brings a unique ecological wisdom interactive experience according to category positioning. Under the "1+8+N" system, the central position of the mobile phone is defined, and with the intelligent interaction of HarmonyOS, a number of core technologies are used as the starting point to expand and explore more functions. Huawei terminals have successfully built their own ecological moat.

Zhiji’s goal: let everyone have a dedicated driver.

"It’s so obedient that it will automatically open the door as soon as it hears me coming to it. When I wash the car, I have to put my mobile phone far away." On April 18th, at the Shanghai Auto Show, Tang Wei, the owner of Zhiji, shared that the car is smart, but I hope it won’t automatically open the door when washing the car. Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, responded at the scene and iterated at the fastest speed.

Intelligentization brings a lot of convenience to the car. Taking the mobile phone as an example, it can replace the function of the car key, start the air conditioner remotely, unlock it, authorize friends to drive the car, etc. When the owner approaches the car with his mobile phone, there are interactions such as flashing lights, honking horns and opening the car door.

However, just like what happened in Tang Wei, while intelligence brings convenience, it will bring some new troubles due to thoughtlessness. The interaction between Tang Wei as the owner of Zhiji and the brand has also become a vivid scene of automobile intelligence ecology. Automobile intelligent manufacturers have designed many scenes to meet the wishes that can only be imagined but cannot be realized in the traditional automobile era. In the process of using, the owner found unreasonable points, and the comprehensive data was continuously fed and learned. After investigation, design, feedback and promotion, the upgrade iteration was quickly completed.

The intelligent problem raised by Tang Wei is the focus of the release of Zhiji at the Shanghai Auto Show. The AI4M intelligent strategy announced by Zhiji takes "AI" artificial intelligence as the core, so that cars can observe, think and act like "people", and the goal is to let everyone have a dedicated driver.

In order to achieve this goal, Zhiji said that it will rely on the scientific and technological accumulation of SAIC for many years and the core self-research of Zhiji Automobile since its establishment three years ago, and at the same time deepen the strategic cooperation with Alibaba Cloud, Zebra Zhixing, Momenta and other leading forces in the field of intelligent technology in China, actively lay out the whole chain closed-loop innovation of the brand-new intelligent electrical architecture, and launch the "China Intelligent Scheme".

Zhiji believes that the AI era has accelerated the landing speed of artificial intelligence in the real world. In the field of autonomous driving, perceptual intelligence and cognitive intelligence are two key issues that need to be solved urgently. In the past few years, perceptual intelligence has received full attention from the whole industry. While improving perceptual intelligence, Zhiji cooperated with Momenta, a global head intelligent driving algorithm player, to launch the industry’s first D.L.P artificial intelligence decision planning model.

Zhiji took the lead in using deep learning to plan, greatly improving the takeover rate and realizing the driving ability like an old human driver. According to the on-site introduction of Tamia Liu, the current takeover rate is about once per 100 kilometers, and it will increase tenfold every two years. In the future, the takeover mileage will increase to once per 1000 kilometers or even once per 10,000 kilometers.

Based on this strategy, the high-speed elevated NOA (Automatic Aided Navigation System) will be launched on Zhiji L7 at the end of April. The first batch of open cities will be "Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Lake", and LS7 will be upgraded and promoted to the whole country within this year.

By then, NOA of Zhiji can carry out dynamic path planning for closed high-speed elevated roads, and complete lane keeping, automatic speed adjustment, active lane change overtaking, automatic up-and-down ramp and other behaviors within the design area.

Tamia Liu emphasized that after completing the game calculation of active lane change and gap insertion, the driving quality is actually a highlight of Zhiji. Zhiji NOA’s driving behavior deeply learns from professional drivers, not frequently accelerating and decelerating, but making reasonable and comfortable actions to complete the instructions.

Zhiji said that the intelligent strategy with AI as the core is not just a written plan. In the second half of 2023, an intelligent medium-sized city cross-border SUV will be launched to solve the pain points of users in urban travel with intelligent solutions. An intelligent sports coupe, which is expected to be launched in 2024, is equipped with the latest Qualcomm 8295 high computing power chip, takes the lead in adopting solid-state batteries and adopts a brand-new three-electric system including carbon fiber rotor technology. The car will enter the "2-second acceleration club" and fully reproduce the F1 driving experience. The two models launched in 2025 are based on a new vector magic architecture and a modular magnetic open platform, which reconstructs the vehicle space and allows users to enjoy a subversive intelligent experience.

Upstream journalist sang Jian

Editor: Kevin·Z

Editor: Wu Jian

Audit: Mao Dan