These advertisements are forbidden to be published! The new Internet advertising regulations will be implemented in May.

  Beijing, March 25 (Xinhua) Recently, the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, which will be implemented on May 1.

  The Measures further clarify the responsibilities of advertisers, Internet advertising operators and publishers, and Internet information service providers; Actively respond to social concerns, and regulate behaviors such as pop-up advertisements, open-screen advertisements, and using smart devices to publish advertisements; Refined the advertising supervision rules in key areas such as "soft-text advertising", Internet advertising with links, bidding ranking advertising, algorithm recommendation advertising, live Internet advertising, and disguised advertising subject to censorship; The new regulations on the jurisdiction of advertising spokespersons provide an important institutional guarantee for strengthening the supervision and law enforcement of Internet advertising, and also give new momentum to the standardized and orderly development of Internet advertising.

  Webpage screenshot

  Specifically, the Measures make the following provisions:

  These advertisements are prohibited from being published.

  — — No unit or individual may use the Internet to design, produce, act as an agent or publish advertisements for products or services whose production and sale are prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, or for goods or services whose advertising is prohibited.

  It is forbidden to use the Internet to publish tobacco (including electronic cigarettes) advertisements. It is forbidden to use the Internet to publish prescription drug advertisements. Where there are other provisions in laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall prevail.

  — — It is forbidden to publish advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes in disguised form by introducing health and health preservation knowledge.

  When introducing health and health preserving knowledge, the address, contact information, shopping links and other contents of commodity operators or service providers related to medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, health food and formula food for special medical purposes shall not appear on the same page or at the same time.

  — — Advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, health foods, formula foods for special medical purposes, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty, and online game advertisements that are not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors shall not be published on websites, webpages, internet applications, WeChat official account and other Internet media aimed at minors.

  These advertisements are subject to censorship.

  Advertisements that should be examined according to laws and administrative regulations such as advertisements for medical treatment, medicines, medical devices, pesticides, veterinary drugs, health foods and formula foods for special medical purposes shall be examined by the advertisement examination organ before publication; Without review, it shall not be published.

  Internet advertisements subject to censorship shall be published in strict accordance with the contents examined and approved, and shall not be edited, spliced or modified. If the contents of advertisements that have been examined and approved need to be changed, they shall re-apply for advertisement examination.

  Advertisers shall clearly indicate "advertising"

  Internet advertisements should be identifiable and enable consumers to identify them as advertisements.

  For the goods or services ranked by bidding, the advertisement publisher should clearly mark "advertisement", which is obviously different from the natural search results.

  Except in cases where laws and administrative regulations prohibit the publication or disguised publication of advertisements, if a commodity or service is promoted through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumption evaluation and other forms, and a shopping link is attached, the advertisement publisher shall clearly indicate "advertisement".

  Who is responsible for the authenticity of the advertising content?

  Advertisers should be responsible for the authenticity of Internet advertising content.

  When an advertiser publishes an Internet advertisement, the subject qualification, administrative license, citation content, etc. shall meet the requirements of laws and regulations, and the relevant certification documents shall be true, legal and effective.

  Advertisers can publish their own advertisements through self-built websites, their own clients, Internet applications, WeChat official account, online shop pages and other Internet media, or they can entrust advertising agents and publishers to publish advertisements.

  Advertisers who publish Internet advertisements by themselves shall comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, establish advertisement files and update them in time. The relevant files shall be kept for not less than three years from the date of termination of advertising.

  When an advertiser entrusts to publish an Internet advertisement, it shall notify the advertising agents and publishers who provide services to it in a timely manner in written form or in other ways that can be confirmed.

  How to standardize "live broadcast with goods"?

  Where a commodity seller or service provider promotes a commodity or service through live Internet broadcast, which constitutes a commercial advertisement, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertiser according to law.

  If the operator of the live broadcast room is entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services, it shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of the advertising operator and publisher according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who are entrusted to provide advertising design, production, agency and publishing services shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising operators and publishers according to law.

  Live marketing personnel who recommend and prove goods and services in their own names or images, which constitute advertising endorsements, shall bear the responsibilities and obligations of advertising spokespersons according to law.

  "Make sure to close with one button"

  When publishing Internet advertisements in the form of pop-ups, advertisers and advertisement publishers shall clearly mark the closure sign to ensure one-click closure, and shall not have any of the following circumstances:

  (1) The advertisement can only be closed if there is no closing sign or the time is over;

  (two) the closure sign is false, unclear or difficult to locate, etc., which sets obstacles for the closure of advertisements;

  (three) to close the advertisement, it must be clicked twice or more;

  (four) in the process of browsing the same page and the same document, continue to pop up advertisements after closing, which will affect the normal use of the network by users;

  (five) other acts that affect the one-button closure.

  The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the open-screen advertisements displayed and released when the Internet application is started.

  Do not mislead users to browse advertisements in these ways.

  Do not cheat or mislead users to click or browse advertisements in the following ways:

  (a) false system or software update, error reporting, cleaning, notification and other tips;

  (two) false signs such as playing, starting, pausing, stopping and returning;

  (3) False reward promises;

  (four) other ways to deceive and mislead users to click and browse advertisements.

  It shall not affect the normal use of the network by users.

  The use of the Internet to publish and send advertisements shall not affect users’ normal use of the Internet, and shall not insert bidding advertisements into the results of searching government service websites, webpages, Internet applications, WeChat official account, etc.

  Without the user’s consent, request or clear refusal, no Internet advertisement shall be sent to his means of transportation, navigation equipment, smart home appliances, etc., and no advertisement or advertisement link shall be attached to the e-mail or Internet instant messaging information sent by the user. (End)