The industrial highland climbs again. The "Zhijia Avenue" of Suzhou High-speed Railway New City is entering mass production.

       Cctv news Recently, with the success of Qingzhi Technology, an enterprise in Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town, in realizing the large-scale industrialization of intelligent driving products, and Innovusion (Tudatong) successfully completed the off-line of the 50,000th image-level ultra-long-range laser radar, the mass production capacity of enterprises in Suzhou High-speed Railway New Town in the field of intelligent driving has made a new leap forward, and "Intelligent Driving Avenue" is entering mass production.

  According to the relevant person in charge of Tudatong, in July this year, the company has taken the lead in reaching the 10000th off-line of high-performance lidar. Facing the increasingly diversified application scenarios and the growing industry demand, the enterprise did not stop there. After three months of painstaking research, all resources were fully mobilized, and with the close cooperation of the team, rigorous debugging and testing, and deep running-in between the upstream and downstream of the industry, the production capacity finally climbed smoothly, achieving a breakthrough of 50,000 off-line image-level ultra-long-range laser radars, and boosting the large-scale application of high-performance laser radars in enterprises to a new level.

  It is understood that TuDatong series products cover a complete combination of software and hardware, providing diversified solutions for different industries and application scenarios, and are widely used in different fields such as high-level assisted driving, automatic driving, intelligent networked cars, smart high-speed, rail transit and industrial automation. 50,000 image-level ultra-long-range laser radars are another big step for TuDatong to promote smarter, safer and better travel.

  As the pioneer and main battlefield of the development of smart car networking industry in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou High-speed Railway New City actively seizes opportunities, plans ahead, tries first, and makes precise efforts in terms of industrial layout, platform building and policy support. As more and more enterprises realize technology mass production and get on the train, Suzhou High-speed Railway New City is taking the lead and contributing to Suzhou’s full integration into the Yangtze River Delta and building a strong city of socialist modernization.